
Not being in America, I see and hear nothing of this man, but we have our own versions. The dilemma is; even when you know they’re doing it for attention, the bullshit these wankers spew is still hella sexist, or homophobic, or racist etc. I hate giving attention whores and trolls what they want, and I hate letting

Thank you!

I appear to have groom-proofed my daughter through sheer luck. We had an abuser in the family, and I realised in retrospect that he had tried grooming my daughter. After a holiday where she hung out with his family a lot, he started emailing her, talking about all the problems he was having with his stepdaughter (the

Message to Brock Turner’s judge; this is how you sentence sex offenders.

I’m reminded of the horrifying treatment of Australian football legend Adam Goodes. Goodes is indigenous and faced racism throughout his football career. In 2014 he became Australian of the Year for his community work against racism and for indigenous youth. His acceptance speech condemned racism and urged respect for

Well played. I was half way through a reply before I realised what you meant...

Agreed to that. But the core sites, the ones everyone hears about, are the pyramids and Mesoamerican sites like Machu Pichu. Also agree that there’s a lot of plain crazy there, and possibly it’s just coincidence; there aren’t any truly ancient empires of white people. Maybe that’s part of the problem.

Well, he hasn’t openly flaunted his mistresses and appointed his bastard children to high Church office, or dug up the body of a predecessor to try it for heresy, or blatantly interfered in the government of a sovereign country, or decreed you’ll go straight to Heaven if you die killing Muslims, or...

There’s an Australian based group called Destroy the Joint* which keeps a running total of murdered women in Australia on their Facebook page, complete with names and circumstances of each death. If violence by current and existing partners were removed from the mix, the number would be miniscule. Margaret Atwood

It’s not coincidental that attachment parenting started as women’s roles outside the home started expanding. It started because they were expanding, as an attempt to force us back into the home.

I thought causing a severe impact to the felon was THE WHOLE POINT of a prison sentence. I find I was mistaken.

The theory of Ancient Astronauts/ Everything Cool in the Ancient World was built by Aliens is actually hella racist. You don’t hear how the ancient Greeks and Romans couldn’t possibly have been advanced enough to build the things they did, and must have been told how to do it by aliens. The majority of Ancient Aliens

If Twitter was woke, the platform would make it easier to deal with gendered and/or racist harassers.

He knocked her unconscious and then punched her in the face??? Over a taxi?

That headline is ambiguous. I was so relieved to read the main article and discover it was the parents of the victim who are suing the school, and not the Labries. Tell me I’m not the only one.

Of course not. The question is whether a male politician would have been given a pass for the same behaviour; they have been in the past. I guess the litmus test is whether they continue to do so in the future.

So they advertised goods at one price but charged a higher price? How the hell is that legal?

Aw, look at how he’s looking at her. That is actually adorable.


You diss avocado green and burnt orange??