
As a non-smoking Australian, I can tell you the colour is the least of the appalingness. The packets also have very graphic images of health issues caused by smoking. Cancerous lungs, gangrenous toes and - my personal favourite - a diseased eyeball.

We think alike, you and I. Unfortunately for him, Kiera is too big a name to have her career trashed by this. Hope the next woman is as lucky.

I leashed my runner with absolutely no shame. I would sometimes be asked how I could treat my child like a dog. I replied that if he behaved like a dog and came when I called, I wouldn’t need the leash.

“As a journalist, one of the most important things that we can do is ask tough questions of the people who would be president — that’s our job,” said Sam Feist, CNN’s Washington bureau chief. “Donald Trump puts himself in a position to answer questions.”

Oh, it’s always hurt. It’s hurt the people doing the work, instead of the people who (should) have been paying them for it.

We have a miscommunication. I was replying to a post attempting to minimise the seriousness of the attack. I am fully aware that violence by women against men is often minimised, and it should not be. I thought I’d been clear; obviously I hadn’t.

When Amber Heard filed for divorce only days after the death of Depp’s mother it seemed like a particularly bitchy thing to do, adding stress to stress for him. Now it makes a lot more sense. The aftermath of a bereavement is exactly the time someone with drug/alcohol issues would go completely off the deep end. I

My first thought. He wants to debate Sanders rather than Clinton? Really? Really??

This is amazing.

Considering how many times cleaners have accidentally thrown away litteral rubbish that turned out to be part of an art installation...I would have left those glasses right where they were. Don’t know I would have taken pictures though - apart from anything, that’s usually not allowed in galleries because of copyright.

Probably got a book about to come out.

My first thought! “Have you been eating meat, Grant?”

I think it actually catches a lot of them by surprise. I would bet that a lot of these men honestly thought they were non-sexist, secure in their masculinity and would welcome strength and independence in a woman, because that belief had never actually been challenged.

Oh, HIGH SCHOOL seniors. I was picturing a bunch of senior citizens occupying the car park of a high school and wondering what the hell.

Home-made bread with a shelf life of a week?? How on earth are they achieving that? When I make (standard cheap wholemeal flour) bread at home, its shelf life can be measured in hours, not days. I always assumed it was due to no preservatives.

Australia did exactly this with our worst spree killer (35 victims) in 1996. He was given a sentence meaning he will die in jail, and then completely forgotten. I had literally forgotten his name before I Googled the massacre to get the date.

There’s no one “professional” look; it depends on the industry, the location, the individual workplace and sometimes legal requirements for protective clothing. I’ve lived in places where professional dress for bank employees - including the manager - involved shorts (because it was absurdly hot). I’ve worked at jobs

...and (allegedly) fired a gun into their bed in front of him. Imagine yourself in that position. If she had ONLY yelled and grabbed his wrist, then maaaaaaaaybe we could say no biggie (depending on how hard she grabbed and how strong she is. Was it a stationary hold, or did she wrench his arm around? Did it hurt him?

This is a bad law. I hope the state is ready for the increase in serious birth defects they’ll be seeing in about 20 weeks. Has Zika made it to South Carolina yet?

...there is now something in the air about women having won their fight for equality and even something about how it was always harder to be a man, anyway.