What’s this? A Japanese person is cast to play a Japanese character in the adaptation of a famous Japanese story in a Japanese-developed genre?
What’s this? A Japanese person is cast to play a Japanese character in the adaptation of a famous Japanese story in a Japanese-developed genre?
It’s up there with “It was a joke!”. Hurting, frightening or humiliating another human because you find it funny is not a prank, asshole. There are words for that kind of shit and none of them are “prank”.
She’s right that not needing a man is the filter of filters.
I said appeal, not repeal. I’m definitely not an expert of restraining orders, but I would assume one for 5 years, not to mention a permanent one, would require some pretty heavy duty evidence? Is that not the case?
Commonwealth bank once overdrew my account because of THEIR error...and then tried to charge me for being overdrawn.
It’s temporary for the span of the restraining order. I assume there’s a process where someone can appeal a restraining order against them? So that would provide balance.
It’s really important you report this to the board. The parents (not to mention staff or other volunteers) have the right to choose whether they want their kids or themselves around an armed person. Smoking is legal, but I would be PISSED if a community organisation allowed volunteers to smoke around my kids. If I…
My main emotion was to be PISSED that the whole Dead Hodor mess could have been prevented if Treeman (whatever his name was) had the sense God gave a pet rock.
Rikers, of course, denied her request for a vegan diet.
Unfortunately, many stage parents’ idea of “the wrong choice” is anything that will lesson the chance of their child becoming famous. Like refusing to hand them over to the paedophile promising to cast them in that new sitcom.
That poor woman.
Workplace relationships become problematic when there’s a power disparity between the participants. The less powerful person may give what I term “reluctant consent”; they would prefer not but judge it will be less hassle to comply, than to refuse and deal with the fallout. This doesn’t meet the lack of consent…
This has been a good dialogue, I’ve learned a lot about reasons people might support the bans and I thank you for that. Glad we could end up respectfully agreeing to disagree.
So that’s one thing Australia’s criminal justice system has going for it. Once our horrendous criminals are convicted...we throw them in jail and decent society forgets about them. It may be reported if they die in prison, but they have to be exceptionally notorious to even get that. No one wants to talk about them,…
I appreciate you’re concerned with the safety of women. I acknowledge that creeps and perverts may take advantage of trans-positive laws to enter women’s bathrooms unchallenged, and that’s an awful thing. My concern is that forcing transwomen to use the men’s bathroom puts them in horrifying physical danger.
Most of the incidents in this link relate to men dressed in women’s clothes. The articles don’t definitively state they are cis men, but that is the clear implication. A cis man wearing women’s clothes is not a transwoman, so these cases are irrelevant to the debate.
Obama wants to send a man to the women’s restroom.
Methinks I smell a scam. Conspiracy theorists tend to be gullible people.
But they hardly ever managed to connect. Except the hero who kicked the guy in the face after he fell over...