
Allegations of criminal sexual abuse in 3...2...1...

I’m not a fan of Bieber’s music but damn, I feel sorry for the kid. Since the age of 14 he’s been milked as a cash cow and been cyber-bullied and misgendered by literally millions of people. There were entire sections of the internet where adults mocked a 14-year old boy for not meeting their standards of masculinity.

(Slow clap).

An entire state has gone Sovereign Citizen?

Only for a week or so. Then it grows out and you don’t have to worry anymore.

Agreed that people have kids because they want them, but it’s something that benefits society. The same thing happens with the economy. People don’t buy a new sofa or pair of shoes because it’s good for the economy - they buy them because they want them. Doesn’t mean that consumer spending doesn’t drive the economy.

I’m not talking about global population as a whole, but about societies. For sure, there are a lot of people in China, but they’re not part of my society. There’s a difference.

Thank you. I’m on gabapentine. It is miraculous how fast it works. After one dose, the pain was halved; the rest went away gradually after a couple of days. It makes sense that a drug that prevents abnormal neuron firing in the brain can treat nerve pain. Pain really is nothing more than neural signals.

Gabapentine is my jam. It’s out of patent, so cheap generics are available.




To everyone asking what med I take; gabapentine. It’s off-patent, so it’s quite cheap. I take 600mg a day.

I’ve noticed myself that her tone is becoming increasingly shrill; I think it’s frustration. She knows how dangerous birth can be, how quickly things can go to shit and how easily pregnant people and babies can die. Home births can be safe, as long as the midwives are well trained and risk out high-risk pregnancies.

The decision to remain childfree is completely valid. But please remember that raising children is not just a personal life choice. It’s the way societies replenish themselves and continue to function. Parents make tremendous personal, professional and financial sacrifices to do this vital job for society; it’s not

The fact that CPMs are allowed to not only attend births, but charge for it, tells you everything you need to know about how much politicians really value the health of women.

I have fibromyalgia, and I’m treated with an epilepsy drug that has no addictive properties, no side effects and has me completely pain-free. It’s horrifying to reflect that, if I lived in the US, I would likely have been prescribed opiates. That stuff should ALWAYS be the absolutely last resort.

Oh, agreed. A woman should be able to have her baby any way she chooses, and any dr. who opts for a caesarian for their own convenience rather than medical reasons is a piece of shit. And many childbirth medicalisations of past years - pubic shaving, enemas, compulsory birth positions - were ridiculous.

Sucks to be George RR Martin. OH, WAIT...

compares his future to that of Joan of Arc.”