
Aren’t potato chips sold by weight, not volume? The air in the bag is to protect them from being crushed. But drinks are sold by volume, and I agree it’s bullshit that the sellers can fill the damn cup with ice and sell you a quarter of the amount of drink you’re paying for.

In a lot of homebirths, the disasters happen because the attendants are either insufficiently trained to recognise the warning signs, or ignore basic prenatal testing because of ideology. There have been cases of “midwives” appealing to Facebook groups for advice rather than advise the woman to see an obstetrician.

The author of the NYT piece is retired ob/gyn Amy Tuteur, and she’s been saying this for years on her Skeptical OB blog. The US’s first and most basic problem is the CPM “qualification” that allows people with little to no medical training to masquerade as competent health care providers. The subsequent deaths and

While Republicans may have found a Washington lawyer for their political lawsuit, they still have yet to articulate any specific constitutional objections to the Governor exercising a power that Article V Section 12 clearly grants him.

Copyright over an artwork created illegally would indeed be an interesting legal point...but the legal team is taking a pretty messed up line of arguing that. Have they established that the original artwork was created illegally? It’s not clear in the video whether the owner of the building gave permission for the

Came here to say that Autism Speaks if pretty much the opposite of a “well-respected” organisation, but I see it’s been done.. They are the weasel face of anti vaxxers, the one they present when they don’t want to reveal themselves as anti-vaxxers.

He was absolutely the asshole of the series. He was not, however, the sex offender of the series, as this creep appears to be. Rule of thumb; if doing it to a stranger in the street would get you arrested and put on a register, you should probably avoid doing it to your co-workers.

There is a difference between drunkenly forgetting to put your dick away, and repeatedly waving it in the faces of co-workers as a power play. You appear to fall on the right side of that divide.

I doubt they have dystopian totalitarian societies with quasi-militaristic police forces either.

“Privileged” doesn’t mean “has it easy”. A poor farmer in a poor area of a poor state is unquestionably having a shitty time, and no one sensible denies that.

I don’t know anything about this guy’s personal feminism cred, but at least he’s saying these things publicly. He’s young, white, reasonably good looking, presents as cis and straight and is fairly well known. People who dismiss the opinions of women will listen to him when he says exactly the same things. That is, of

Horrified watchers had better brace themselves. If the eaglets survive, the parents will soon be bringing back prey that is horribly injured, but alive, so the babies can learn how to kill it.

If you want to go acappella, go classical. Here’s some Mendelssohn or some Rossini.

If these people actually cared about the safety of women and children, they would prevent groups with a known history of sexual violence from entering public bathrooms. Frat boys, football players, Catholic priests and evangelical preachers, Republican congressmen. Trans people seriously need to step up their game if

Yeah, the female rabbits are docile and biddable because they’ve been raised in a totalitarian society where the officers of the police force have unquestioned “mating rights” (shudder). Their characters in the original are not particularly interesting in their own right. Giving them a “larger role” would totally

Really? What other Western democracy is enacting these kind of explicitly discriminatory laws? I’ve not seen those news reports.

It begins...

It’s a great way to increase your diversity stats without actually having to have those pesky diverse actors on screen. The studio gets to preen itself on hiring an actor of colour. The audience gets out of having to look at said actor with their non-white skin like they have a right to be there or some shit. Everyone

If they really wanted to protect women and children, they would ban Republican Congressmen and evangelical pastors from using any public restroom, ever. Those fuckers are proven sex criminals at an astronomically higher rate than trans people.

How many Trump supporters would vote for him if he didn’t hold his Man card?