I agree that organic stuff doesn’t actually have any real benefits.
I agree that organic stuff doesn’t actually have any real benefits.
Some people are just disgusting. It’s as a power thing - they hate that there are women-only spaces where we may be talking about them.
It’s certainly possible that everyone is in a consensual poly arrangement and was using Ashley Maddison, with the full knowledge of their partners. Possible, but unlikely. I’m all for sex positivity. Everyone should be free to have exactly the kind of sex they want with no condemnation (as long as everyone involved is…
I would say that you get how to define yourself. If you’re most comfortable with Androgenous, Androgenous it is.
OK, I’m being told this kind of juice is actually the whole plant/fruit smooshed up.
Putting aside the issue of whether toplessness for women is actually allowed in this particular park...if you have to ask if someone is male or female, there’s probably not enough boob to raise the pearliest of pearl clutcher eyebrows.
Gender non-conforming?
...are you seriously saying that if male teachers are leering at and sexually harassing their students, the best solution is to put the students in longer skirts?? I would say the creepy male teachers need to be fired and prosecuted.
...it might work as a layering piece? Otherwise, I got nothing.
There are a disturbing number of Republican officeholders who have publicly declared that they would have pretended to be trans to get into the girls’ locker room at school. They seem to have stopped now, because of all the horrified are you fucking kidding me, you know you just said that out loud you creep stares.…
The whole situation is a hideous mess and I feel deeply for the trans people caught up in it. But the bright spot is that homo-and transphobia are now bad for business. Target knew that this decision would cost them some customers, but would bring in enough new shoppers to at least balance it. They don’t care if you…
Serious question...why not just eat the unjuiced stuff?
A community group running a Twitter-shaming campaign against drunk drivers and lenient judges=OK, free speech at work.
People who have a problem with POC and women,
One juice proponent Dr. Woodson Merrell argued that juice is good because Americans need to eat more vegetables and fruits: “The whole thing about juice is it makes that easier to get.”
HE TRIED TO TAKE A BANANA INTO QUEENSLAND??? Jesus, he’s lucky he wasn’t torn apart by mobs in the street. Bananas are kind of Qland’s thing.
Yeah, Australia’s probably the only country where domestic airports have sniffer dogs looking for fruit. I can take my cat with me when I visit WA, but not honey.
Agreed. My mother became (even more) legendary in our small home town by going to the dr after feeling “ooky” for three days. She’d been walking around with a ruptured appendix and her bowel was beginning to ulcerate. The nurses kept sticking their heads in the room and saying “You know you should be dead, right?”.
I’m Australian and...I’m with Barnaby Joyce on this one. Biosecurity is MASSIVE in Australia and you do NOT fuck around with it. Depp and Heard were originally “Meh, whatever” - it took the Federal minister in charge of biosecurity to announce he would seize and destroy their dogs for them to realise that holy shit,…