
There’s a quote in the article that the paper ignored far more egregious drinking at frat houses, which would make this pretty sexist. Otherwise, I agree that “Newspaper presents proof of group defying rules” does not seem to warrant the editor’s resignation.

To be honest they look a bit weird; rather bulgier than I would expect and higher up toward his pecs. I think that particular shot may have had a little Photoshop assistance, which is dumb because that man needs no help to look good. But when did that stop a Photoshopper?

In this case the rest of the world is watching, and is far from happy with what it sees. Ever heard the saying “When America sneezes, the world catches a cold”? What happens in America, especially your foreign and monetary policy, makes a huge impact on everyone else. And we don’t get to vote in this election.

Because most of the husbands would have taken it as a personal affront to their masculinity and sulked for WEEKS. It was not a progressive town. Many women expressed astonishment and admiration that I flew to the other side if the country and stayed in a comfortable hotel in the nation’s capital for a holiday, because

A trans person using a concert in an exceptionally backward state to protest discrimination against her and others like her. Cis people cancel their concerts as a gesture of disgust at the backwardness and say why, but do not speak on behalf of trans people. I like.

In Australia there was a huge shitshow around one Schapelle Corby, who was convicted of trying to smuggle marijuana into Indonesia. The drugs were found inside the cover of a boogie board. She consistently maintained they’d been planted there, probably by baggage handlers in Australia, and she had no idea they were

I dumped Weight Watchers because they are ALL about the numbers on the scale. I have a whole slew of intersecting health issues that make weight loss extremely slow and difficult. I hit a plateau and was trying to be calm and collected and just keep eating healthy, but everyone else including the group leader was

I am not American, I know nothing about Nina Simone, I am so pasty white I have gotten sunburned under a verandah and even I know blackface is a bad idea. It should have been Common Sense 101 to involve POC at the highest levels of this fiasco from the start. But people went noooooooo, this is our Passion Project, no

I’m single. I was having some painting done on the house and had gotten a contractor (of course). I mentioned something about it at work and all the married women went “ you wanted your house painted...and you just...called someone...and he came...and he’ll do the work...and clean everything up...and you’ll

ARE YOU MY MOTHER?? She was a freaking primary school teacher in a small town. Two generations in the place go in fear of The Eyebrow. Grown men with grandchildren still quail before it. So does my son, who is taller than her by a full foot and a half. The Eyebrow is a powerful weapon. Use it wisely

I agree with you. You only have to look at how many “laws” Republican governors bring in, which are stricken down as unconstitutional. But Trump is being blatant, and he is being open about his bigotry. He’s breaking The Rules that say you maintain Plausible Deniability, and we can’t have that.

Yeah, that’s pretty much what I said.

No, this was explicitly about how much each team got paid to play for Australia. I don’t remember the details but I think the men were effectively being paid a retainer to enable them to train full time, and the women weren’t.

Most behaviour clauses are fairly openly worded, because Western democracies have an assumed standard of behaviour that would preclude the Crazies...if parties choose to use them. If Trump’s “all Mexicans are rapists and criminals” didn’t violate the Republican’s behaviour clause, they need to rewrite it. I’m willing

It’s a made-up word to describe a made-up thing. The MRAs keep trying to make it happen though. It’s not going to happen, boys.

Wow! Yeah, that would be kind of a problem.

Ah, I was not aware that the Prop 8 list included doxxing. I stand corrected, then. My apologies. Doxxing political opponents is always the wrong thing to do.

A childhood friend and her brothers were sexually abused by her grandfather. They told their parents, but their mother believed her father over them. Her brothers were also abused by their local Catholic priest - because he’d heard the whole story from her grandfather and mother in Confession, and took advantage of

The Australian women’s soccer team had to strike recently - to get their pay raised to minimum wage. Like the US team, they were having greater success than the men’s team, and training as hard. But while the men were earning enough to play as a full-time job, the women were not. They had to work to support themselves

Drug testing of welfare recipients not only shows they take fewer drugs than the general population; testing is more expensive than the money saved by cutting the benefits of those who test positive. By a lot. By, like, an order of magnitude a lot.