THEY’RE BEING BOYCOTTED BY PORN SITES? Oh, that is wonderful. Because you know those Righteous and Upstanding Christian Folk are all about the freakiest of porn when no one can see them.
THEY’RE BEING BOYCOTTED BY PORN SITES? Oh, that is wonderful. Because you know those Righteous and Upstanding Christian Folk are all about the freakiest of porn when no one can see them.
No, the cases are quite different. The GOP has clear moral and (probably) legal standing to Dump Trump. He’s said numerous things that are openly* racist and misogynist, and made policy statements that would outright breach the Constitution. Most political organisations have “behaviour clauses”; if a party member…
A rich white heterosexual cis man is maybe not going to get what he wants! MISANDRY! OPPRESSION!!!!!!
Congratulations, your logical fallacy is...Strawman Argument!
At a school where I worked we had a large 12-year old kid who had a history of violent rages, and in one of them he beat up the principal. So next time he went off, she called the cops. Four of them arrived, gently picked the kid up, carried him off to the office and quietly kept him in an (empty) room until his…
Anyone commenting about people being “too sensitive”, please read this. Some people are pretty sensitive. Some do take offense at things that seem innocuous to you. I’d like to try and explain why.
Sorry, I missed your point somewhat. There’s no hard and fast rule of what constitutes anti-Semitism, so there’s often room for debate about specific acts are anti-Semitic. You’re correct that a key determinant is whether the action is specifically aimed at Jewish people. I haven’t seen any evidence that the game was…
Windsor. It was selected by the current Queen’s father in 1917 to replace Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, which was waaaaay to German-y for the day. Members of the Royal Family do need an official surname for things like passports, except the Queen, who literally does not need one because they’re issued in her name and who the…
Yep, only a child would get upset about the trivialisation of the Holocaust. Only 6 million people were starved, gassed, shot, used in medical experiments or beaten to death. And of course there were millions more who were dispossessed and suffered permanent physical and/or psychological harm, but it’s obviously…
So they post their Stupid on the internet...and a fellow student (so, also a teenager) comments on the internet about how upsetting she finds The Stupid...and it’s her fault The Stupid goes viral because she didn’t keep her reaction to The Stupid IRL. Definitely not the fault of the people who did The Stupid in the…
Eh, a bunch of teenagers trivialising the worst ethnic genocide of the 20th Century, which killed 6 million civilians, dispossessed and psychologically devastated millions more, altered the demographics of an entire continent and led directly to the creation of Israel and the shitshow which is today’s Middle East.
I would absolutely tell a comedian not to tell racist comedy. Good comedy punches up; it targets and skewers the powerful. Racist jokes punch down; they target people who have already drawn the short straw in life, and perpetuate and normalise the racist stereotypes and attitudes that make their everyday lives harder.
That is exactly how it should happen. You did A Thing without thinking about it. Someone told you The Thing was hella offensive and explained why.
They can be taught empathy. Children and teens are egocentric and only see things from their own point of view. Not their fault, it’s a developmental thing. They don’t develop empathy on their own- it has to be taught to them. If it’s not taught to them...look at any Donald Trump rally.
This is a good way to look at it.
The mechanics and rules are indeed thought out. My question is why they chose to frame them around the Holocaust in the first place. Change the names to Dumbledore’s Army vs. Death Eaters, or (as one genius upthread suggested) Rebels vs. the Empire. They wouldn’t have to change any rules and could shit talk with…
Or people could stop throwing stereotypical jokes at members of minority groups without establishing that individual person is cool with it. That would work too.
You and your friends have a relationship where you can throw shit at each other and it’s genuinely all in fun. That’s great. I don’t see what that has to do with anyone finding this game offensive.
Do some people just see any mention of Nazis, “Jews”, or the Holocaust as being inherently anti-semitic, regardless of tone or intent?