And for those wondering about the chair (and if you’re not, you should be) he’s in...
And for those wondering about the chair (and if you’re not, you should be) he’s in...
It’s not just disgust, it’s also fear.
It may be unfilmable but it begat an awesome stadium house act.
Does The Illuminatus! Trilogy count as sci-fi or just insanity?
Given the theme of racist corporatism in The Boys, I don’t think any former or current Fox News employee can watch the show without feeling attacked...certainly none who have the slightest self-awareness.
So Kelly talks shit, and Moriarty’s the one who has to leave, because Kelly is basically a real life Stormfront (in that Kelly doesn’t have “fans” so much as she has “an army”) that will make social media unbearable for Moriarty.
“I got them talking about me again! It isn’t over yet!” — Mygyn Kylly
Meghan Kelly has no room to talk about getting work done.
I miss the days of humans — even one who weren’t that good at their jobs — working for AVC. At the very least, there’d have been some mention of Chloe Troast getting her first breakout sketch in a bizarre Little Orphan Annie bit.
I guess this is in lieu of a review?
Just realized as I noticed the writer as AV Club Staff. Interesting...
I love how ChatAVC decided just to stop writing this article midstream. Like “Yeah, I’m going back to plotting humanity’s demise, I can’t be bothered with this show anymore.”
A couple of less-recognized tracks, that if included on the list, would have been very acceptable to me would be:
It’s definitely one of the most fascinating shows with one of the most fascinating lead characters I’ve seen in some time. The cinematography is so grainy and exquisite.
I’d be fine with this being a one off. It was really good. Weird, surreal, complex, surprising. Fishback is so incredibly good in it. So is Chloe Bailey. Bailey pulled off the challenge of making the audience get why someone would be obsessed with her character. That’s a tricky feat to pull off. Great casting.
Didn’t know what I was getting into when I started watching it Monday, but HAD to keep watching and finish it Tuesday. Great work by everyone and the writing is on a different level. The “true story” episode was a little mind-blowing.
I’m reworking my way through The Wire right now and way too much talent from that show is gone far too early. We’d already lost Michael K Williams and Reg Cathey, and now this. This sucks so much.
Is Smith perhaps “The Cure” for exploitative capitalism?
Wing Pit and Mario Kart easily best of the night, among the best in recent SNL and probably will be the peak of the season.
or Totino’s