
When I look at Castro now he seems like he has the right priorities. But when he first announced he was running I was super skeptical. Day he announced he tweeted: Today we live in a world in which brainpower is the new currency of success.”

Ah yes, that makes this bill so much better now that it super clearly panders to GOP states with increased budgets for them alone.

I was hoping for an actual answer - what kind of policies do you think are going to be implemented in this administration that make you grin?

You argue that we should cut spending for these programs because the balance sheet is not lining up. When trying to balance the budget, that’s a great suggestion. But tell me what you envision happens to all of the people who can no longer afford basics after we enact such cuts? We can choose to take care of our

I disagree. He wants attention. He has been pretty miserable doing presidential stuff since winning. He’s held victory parades, and he’s done a victory tour, and he wants to news talking about his tweets, but he doesnt want briefings, he doesnt want press conferences, or photo ops. He wants rallies! He wants

sanders is more relevant now than ever and is doing much more (at least publicly) to stand against trump than any other senator

This is actually the strongest visual middle finger on the Senate floor this week. It’s a bold “LISTEN UP.”

I don’t understand how drawing attention to promises made is a gimmick. Trump chooses to use Twitter as a major part of his outreach to voters. It is only sensible that those utterances would be relevant in future discussions.

Stay relevant? He still has a job, whether or not the press covers his job is another story.