Ms. Poodle

I’m sure you’re familiar with the phrase, ‘Those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it’. The study of history is optional in most high schools and is no longer a core class in almost all colleges. Caligula, here we come.

Don’t rub it in. He has nukes. This isn’t some tiny despot that can be embargoed into oblivion. He’s capable of wrecking literally everything on Earth. He’s not patient, reasonable, or stoic. He flips his shit over critical tweets. The entire world should be afraid. I know I am.

Let’s face it, 240 years was a pretty good, if not unprecedented, run for any republic. Now you’re all set for a despotic banana republic. Good luck with it.

I can’t wait for the Deadpool Oscar Campaign ads...

That’s not how the Force works!

Besides being a visual and conceptual feast, Doctor Strange was also the first superhero movie in years to earn the time spent on the hero’s origin story by making the resolution to the protagonist’s arc central to his strategy for beating his adversary.

This a million times.

Not terrible. You’re terrible (I kid, I kid.)

I don’t get why this season gets so much hate. I thought their extrapolations of where a society that stops dying would go were imaginative yet spot-on.

But I’ve always been in the minority, here.

I honestly don’t think they need to be tied directly to some real-world family. I think their only tie should be of a roughly equivalent age group.

I do not envy these people. It’s raw and sensitve as hell and no matter what choice they make it’ll be the wrong one to a number of people.

I find it fascinating how these guys consume media. Richard Spencer (leader of the”alt-right” ) claims his favorite show is Firefly.

I am somewhat irritated that the Nazi uniforms have apparently not changed significantly since the 1940s when the story takes place in 1962.

How are their brains processing that media into something that doesn’t chafe against their ideology?

It’s 2 things for sure. 1). they pick and choose what they love, and 2). they willfully know it’ll piss people off, so they pick things that people love and try to corrupt it.

Again...they’re fuckers.

Like I get that he thinks he’s the Browncoats in this scenario and the Alliance is the liberal NWO or Jewish World Government or whatever,  but I still don’t get how he ignores all the other stuff. That’d be like me (a black man) claiming Song of the South is my favorite movie because there are black people in it.

It’s what I like to call the “Scarface Effect” where people only look at and idolize the shallow, ancillary elements of art but completely forget about the actual point of what’s being shown no matter how obvious it is. Like how some fans of Watchmen act like Rorschach is some kind of role model when in fact he’s a

Don’t these guys also love The Matrix, which is a movie about a half-Asian guy, a black man, and a woman fighting an army of white dudes? (Which was made by a couple of men who later became transgender women.)

Say what you want about the tenets of National least it’s an ethos.

True, I forgot to add “Pure evil” to the list.

Ah, the old “How dare you not tolerate my intolerance!” chestnut.