
I mean, Hobby Lobby in fucking Alabama is not a place I think I could ever feel comfortable.

I struggle with brevity.

Honestly, this may surprise you.

I saw this shared around as an example of the “violent left,” and wondered why I was supposed to have a problem with a black guy holding off a mob with a home made flamethrower. “Stand your ground,” right?

The fact that this guy identifies himself as a hacker, a Neo-nazi and has a damn wikipedia page bragging about all of those things, infuriates me.

Totally agreed. The short, round, to-go baggie of mayonnaise looks 100% emasculated in this photo (and probably irl). As a blonde, blue-eyed woman of breeding age, I can say that if they want to keep their precious, cholesterol-filled blood “pure,” then maybe they should focus on being more physically attractive as

So the city let all these Northern agitators come down there and start some shit and couldn’t even protect their own real Southern people. Most of these alt-right pussies aren’t from the South, and many of them aren’t even American (look up some names of the “leaders” and like 90% of them are from Europe and live in

That photo is popular for the What-Abouters. You know, the ones who react to a photo of the Dodge Challenger attack and immediately post the flame thrower image. I’m like-did any of the racists get actually burned? Then shut up.

And btw, all of you in this thread terrify me with the improv mayhem you have at your fingertips.

I 100% agree with you. I’m a progressive atheist in a very red Christian state. You’re preaching to the choir, so to speak. The outrage isn’t going to solve the problem, but it certainly doesn’t hurt. The more people are aware of these spineless cowards in their midst, the better.

apparently also styrofoam dissolved in diesel. didn’t know that one until today. here’s the thing, though. both of those concepts involve splash damage which can cause real hurt to bystanders. I have only used stuff on empty railroad tracks and to start bonfires. do not cause more destruction than for which you

This picture really highlights that phenomenon. Like, if you showed this photo to an alien or a robot and said “point to the person who is a member of the superior race,” it would definitely not be any of those assholes on the left side of the photo.

Of course, Hitler wasn’t exactly Hitler’s vision of Aryan beauty, either. That these assholes keep taking their self-loathing out on others is certainly consistent through the generations.

Right? I know who I want by my side, and not just in a fight if you know what I mean.

Funny how those who preach the genetic superiority of the white race seem to be the least ideal examples of that idea.

Looking at the photo he looks like he’s fighting off some evil White Supremacist clone army made up of generic white dude #5 with some alternating hairstyles.

Spray Paint: The Working Man’s Napalm

Wait, somebody fired a shot at him and the cops didn’t intervene?!