
Yeah in Europe you declare bankruptcy and instead of a clean start you work out a payment plan with your creditors. It’s great their, the creditors get paid no matter what. The U.S. is FUBAR, it created the most prosperous economy world has ever seen, economic engine of the world, helped rebuild the war mongering

haha that made me laugh @KSLT not sure what exactly he wants, maybe a report on those lending money...although after the experian hack maybe that’s not such a bad idea.

Just a heads up I’ve read you shouldn’t close a card unless it has an annual fee since closing it lowers your score. You should cancel any protection and just not use it if you don’t want it and eventually they’ll probably close it which still gives you a small ding. Reason you’re not supposed to close it is it lowers

I don’t feel so alone now, I’m here cause I had a balance on a card I forgot about and they didn’t have my new phone number since it’s so old and now I screwed up the score I was so proud to finally get over 700. I was googling how I can minimize damage and ended up on lifehacker which I used to read daily and have no

Yeah I hate that. Only way to avoid it is use it a couple times a year but still wrong. They should give you a warning telling you that since you haven’t used it in x amount of time they are considering closing it. Or other times cutting limits no warning, Ive found out when trying to checkout my credit limit was cut

Agreed, if they only want you to use 30% they shouldn’t give you a higher credit line and then punish you for using it. I understand they are looking to see if you are out of work and living off your credit cards but they should just look for changes in utilization not punish you if you go over 30%. I try to avoid

Discover has a new policy they forgive the first late payment, one every year automatically you don’t even need to call. Pretty cool policy. And yes every other company even though they don’t advertise it but if you call and ask they forgive the late payment if it’s your first. Wells fargo wouldn’t for me because I

Financial education lacking in your country? I know every country has different laws and regulations regarding credit with the U.S. being one of the more lax, but all developed countries economies run on credit and not much sci-fi about a credit report since they’ve been around long before the internet...if anything

no when it’s sold the clock doesn’t restart, it’s 7 years from the missed payment. And the 7 years is how long it stays on credit report so other creditors see it, after 7 years you might still get calls, the debt isn’t invalid after 7 years just less likely to be repaid so they’ll give you a really good deal if you

You’d be surprised how easy you can fix it, I did same at young age. If you get a credit card with small balance and just pay it off every month that’s all you have to do and score will continually rise, then if you ever need it in future for big purchase you’ll have it. Worst case you have to get a secured credit

Congrats!  I used to listen to Dave Ramsey (think that was name of radio show) and that’s what got me to look at debt free as liberating. I didn’t have any major credit problems but liked the idea of not owing money to anyone, and it’s the safest way to live since you can’t get into debt trouble if you only spend

I don’t know where the article is but I read you need on average to stay in a house 8 years to break even buying with closing costs insurance ect. so if you move for work because better job offer in another city renting makes far more financial sense. Renting has many other benefits too, like if the neighborhood goes

Credit is a tool and can be used responsibly to improve living standards, but it does have a cost. Avoiding credit saves a ton of money on interest. Also avoids risk of losing a job and then your car. Even a house, if possible for you to save and pay in cash you will pay considerably less overall then if you get a

In the UK they have a ton of socialist systems that are abused and since they are more socialist programs available they are abused more. Do you really think basic human behavior changes because of what your geographic region you are located in?

In the UK you can’t declare bankruptcy and wipe your debt out, which you can do in the U.S. which gives you a fresh start and gets you out from under crippling debt and off the streets. Since creditors have less strict laws and it’s much easier to declare bankruptcy in the U.S. leaving creditors with nothing as the

Your girlfriend is an idiot and bad security practices are her fault..and google sells your info to anyone with cash so enjoy that...

It was a paid clickbait add, don’t waste your time correcting gizmo, this place is going down the tubes fast and has sold it’s soul now doing ads and passing them off as articles or tips. Obviously they need to lie since there is so little difference between the two apps. If he told the truth it would have been two

What gave it away, the fact that the description of Venmo was just false or the “ I couldn’t tell if I was paying or getting paid”?

I want more of this so gizmo dies faster. People see through the paid clickbait ads, more of them the faster this place dies and something better replaces it.

Click bait doesn’t pay the bills alone, need that sponsorship money. I love how the entire description of Venmo is wrong, and the line “can’t figure out if I’m paying or being charged” is hilarious since it’s impossible not to know.