Manager Joe Altobelli named Griffin to the team, partly because he’s a fine player, but mostly because he was here.
Manager Joe Altobelli named Griffin to the team, partly because he’s a fine player, but mostly because he was here.
As someone that has worked this type of position, it’s a fancy way of saying you’ll be a student janitor...but at least I was paid.
Now, I may be wrong, but aren’t the Deadspin ads generated by your own browsing history and cookies...?
I agree in principal, but running long distances in cotton tshirts gets gross, hot, and uncomfortable. Chaffing is real, my friends.
There is literally no one in the stands when they cut to the wide shot of UMass rushing the field.
I’m seeing double - four Morrises!
Are you seriously making the argument that guys can’t go out to a sporting event without catching shit from their wives? Seems like a healthy relationship dynamic.
Are we sure that there wasn’t a women’s match being played on an adjacent court?
Dude sounds pretty stable
So now Minnesota is stealing Seattle’s color scheme for constantly signing their players?
wtf is this? Don’t link a 4 minute long video where I’m forced to actually search for Ginobili knocking the bat out of the air.
If you really want to speed up the game I say if a batter steps out of the box more than twice, they release a rabid pitbull on the field.
I don’t mean to sound like an ass, but does anyone actually get excited about this....? Honestly, I’ve tried, but the event just falls flat for me. At the very least, it gives us some semblance of real baseball while we march towards opening day.
I only have one piece of advice for this young man: Do not wear a cotton t-shirt under your jersey. It looks dumb.
Maybe because teams are wising up on players that literally do nothing on defense, only hit home runs, and strike out 200 times a season. All or nothing guys are a pain in the ass...
+1 slogan
I nabbed the screaming liner