Lipsy Russell

Again I’m wondering just how famous is Kevin? No one in the AA meeting even batted an eye that this Hollywood celebrity was with them. Same at the bar with Nicky.

There was a short moment my junior year in high school (‘85) when we were actual interested in the team, then called the Pittsburgh Pirates - there were 2 guys everyone knew would make it to the big time - Bobby Bonilla and Barry Bonds. We even did a story for them for our high school magazine and I wish we had the

I definitely didn’t realize that Philly and New Jersey were only about an hour’s drive away from each other.” An hour? They’re separated by the Camden River, so they actually border. I had friends in college from Cherry Hill, NJ who said they were from Philly.

Between this article and the pundits on NBC yesterday, you’d think it was Spurs who’d beaten Arsenal to the title or something. Neither team won it, and Spurs, as they’re very good at doing, collapsed in epic fashion against their neighbors. Yes, Arsenal were well placed to win the league in January, but it’s Arsenal.

Pretty cool, but it only allows room for 3 jobs under work experience.