
I hope she can lead a normal life and won't be ostracized or face professional consequences for this weird relationship. She sounds like a pretty cool person who means well.

I have loved Martha forever but couldn't figure out why until a few years ago. Now I understand that Martha is first and foremost an ARTIST. She does not give a fuck about how wonderful your family is or how pure you can make your life. She's all about creating beautiful food and spaces and if you have to be decadent

L'ANANA NE COURS PAS! Poor pineapple.

Les ananas ne dansent pas!

After Téléfrançais, L'ananas went on to organize a March against pineapple injustice, on his list of demands, number one was the right to boogie.

It does seem to be a generational blindness. I'm in my early 50s, and have permanent hearing loss from mumps I contracted as a toddler (just before the vaccine became available); my down-the street neighbor, just a couple of years older than me, had polio and required braces to walk (had to crawl when we went to the

"How did all of these anti vax morons never run across anything like that?"

Those two deserve each other.

It's a nice figure, but it's not "please allow me to throw myself on your dick" money.

"I trade futures contracts on my couch... I made 32K in June..."

I just want to warn everyone that these aren't "viral" videos in the sense that they have become inexplicably popular on the internet, but viral videos in the sense that if you watch them, a horrible and fatal literal virus will be transmitted into your brain and will kill you.

Good one!

Or: we don't even know if it's a fetus but this fourteen year old must have known

Seriously. If anything, the fetus abandoned you???

Oddly, as I try and plan to have a desired child, none of the information about causes and prevention of miscarriage talk about prayer. Definitely don't smoke and it's better to be younger than I am; but nothing about prayer. Unless I should pray to be younger?

I went on a road trip with a girlfriend of mine, Northern California-Baja-Vegas-LA.

INSANE BAD: I went to college far from home, so it required quite a bit of air travel. Once while trying to get back to college from winter break, my flight was cancelled at one of my layover stops. Shit happens, whatever. But it was in the mid-morning, so not the worst. I hunkered down at my new gate, which was in

Can I just issue a pre-emptive hope that Jez can avoid all the horrible "Hasn't this woman ever heard of birth control?" and similar comments that the Gawker version was inundated with? Beyond the fact that this woman's reproductive choices are none of your fucking business, honest to god, some people have children on

Also, I want a food + gumshoe name! Call me Nourishment Nancy Drew! NO! CARBO-HARDY BOYS.