Ha, as my 8th grade history teacher would say, "No one cares what YOU think about it. Don't write 'I think,' just make me understand your point." Harsher and more helpful words about essay writing were never spoken.
Ha, as my 8th grade history teacher would say, "No one cares what YOU think about it. Don't write 'I think,' just make me understand your point." Harsher and more helpful words about essay writing were never spoken.
Yeah, I didn't really find this so offensive or feel superior and ironic about it. Imagine you were a woman in the 70s and trying to just do your job and navigate a difficult and probably hostile arena; wouldn't you welcome this? He's clearly naive about sexism, but he doesn't seem to demean women's desire to achieve.
I was scrolling down the thread to say just this. I was so in love with Molly Katzen in HS: she could cook, draw, and she lived in Berkeley and probably had her own espresso machine!
My first thought too! Oh the hours I would spend agonizing over the patterns... could I mix the tiny floral and the plaid? The boots were a staple because they were the best.
Oh my, I am basically married to Slate. I just never realized it until this comment.
Well clearly we don't have a transcript of the conversation, but first off, police are very frequently the first responders to eventual 5150 situations, and there are criteria a person has to meet. All 5150 actions are based on someone's "opinion" so I'm not sure how that makes this an invalid decision. Secondly, if…
Right, often people are placed on a hold because they are a flight risk for whatever reason, and without the hold the police can't/won't pursue if the patient leaves the hospital, leaving the patient vulnerable to being in a state of altered consciousness out in the world. It's all pretty traumatic.
Oh I was cracking up! "Suzanne!" "I know... language."
Yeah, he has always been this bad. I remember reading a Vanity Fair (?) interview in the 90s where they asked why he always dates white women given that he identifies as non-white (which, ok, is a very problematic question) and he said that Kate Moss isn't white, because she has "a high-water booty." Oh Johnny, you…
Yeah, I'm definitely seeing this for a bunch of reasons, but I fully expect to start crying as soon as I see "Wallace." But maybe I'll be able to stop only thinking of Michael B. Jordan as Wallace now...
Sorry, who's "you people?"
I had that time too, in grad school! I found myself saying "I don't have a TV, BUT I LOVE TV, REALLY!" so often when people would get huffy about me not having one. It was weird. I transitioned to "Hmmm, I haven't seen that." Less inflammatory.
I have to admit I can't really think as clearly as I'd like about the case-as-a-case (legal merits and such, not that that's my area of expertise) because I'm just so attached to the outcome. I'm mostly appalled that this lawyer seems so flippant and may well have decided that this is his time on the national stage so…
So nobody ever got sick except the people with tuberculosis, HIV, ebola and other unpleasant diseases? Mmmmm-k.
They just think there's a different set of rules for them, and lots of times there is. Full-on narcissism. Plus, let's be real, this woman's dad is not really approaching this case with the gravity it deserves. She might have learned it from somewhere.
Yeah, I'm hopeful too... but so worried (see comment below yours about choosing the charges). And that this lawyer can be so freaking blase and tone-deaf is infuriating. I genuinely hate him.
So, does anyone else think that the defense has no defense, so instead has concocted an elaborate sympathy campaign for Zimmerman? "Oh that poor guy's got the WORST lawyer." I'm starting to suspect this.
I can attest to the Louisiana law. It feels very weird and transgressive to walk around with a cocktail on the street. I guess I'm a real fount of liquor wisdom here... but I'm confused, how would the place serve it if the bottle weren't open? I mean, in restaurants they always uncork the wine for you, can't pour it…
It's true in the California Bay Area at least... for the past year and a half or so. They started with wine then expanded. I think it's part of their expanded grocery offerings. They have, like, spring roll wrappers and all kinds of stuff. And booze. No generic YET, but I'd buy the hell out of it. I'm actually headed…
Oh the good Targets do, my friend. And gin, and tequila, and vodka, and many other delightful things.