
I think it's komplementary, in fact.

And is "a Supreme Court" the name of her neighbor or something? It's not a man last I checked. Oh, Miiichelle....

I think calling themselves "Pick Up Artists" is the first major clue that they aren't in it for intimacy or profound emotional connection. It's like naming your restaurant "House of Chicken and Waffles" then saying you're really after the vegan crowd. Puh-leez.

Her sleeves are always too long. It bothers me constantly. It's so weird and consistent that either she has really short arms or she wants it to be that way... maybe she has some kind of wrist phobia?

Best Halloween costume of all time? Endora. You can be so mean and pretend you're in character.

Cipro nearly killed me when I had a kidney infection! Seriously, it made my face freeze into a rictus and I gradually stopped being able to breathe over the span of a few hours. A shot of Benadryl made it all better but holy lord do I make sure everyone knows I can't have that shit. So scary.

Yes, I noticed that later. To be fair the kitchen is the most dangerous room.

We need your LOVE, Mom! Not chow mein!!! (children run off sobbing)

Once again, the same kitchen as the pizza and the soda one! That kitchen has bad vibes, man.

I love that they also have Chinese take-out containers. Covering all the bases. Also, the pizza kitchen is the same as the "incompetent soda pour" kitchen.

Yes, of course. Those are literally the ONLY TWO options. Thank God the world is so simple, am I right?

Daaamn, when Ashton Kutcher is telling you you can't act, you can't act.

Well, there's a lot I disagree with here, and I've worked with many suicidal people. But I'll just point out that every single person who has commented on this issue who has been suicidal (including the OP) has said they are glad they didn't go through with it. Everyone who says maybe it's the appropriate thing to do

Oh, I think it's cheaper to wait until commenters notice the mistakes then go back and correct them.

Plus the Baroness really didn't grow up working class at all. Hmmm.

But you are essentially validating that idea, so I'm not sure how putting some lame punctuation around it gets you out of this one.

I've thought about it for a month, but I guess I still don't get it. WHY was Richard III trending again?

This reply is SO late because I never get notifications for some reason, but I see what you're saying. I think tho that you don't "allow" fear or "disallow" fear, you work on your response to it, does that make sense? And to me it seems like Beyonce thinks she's actually in control of whether she gets scared or not,

I'll admit it: I gasped audibly. I CAN'T WAIT. The ending of Before Sunset was the sexiest movie ending ever.

Martha grew up working-class. Damn you Jezebel for making me expose my Martha knowledge!