
At the very least, her response was well-written. But goddamn is she a fackin biatch.

The alliteration meter in my brain just exploded.

BWAAA YAAAYY! woah, am i late on this? i just stopped crying

She makes me wish I were a guy just so I could actually bone her. Woah, did I just say that out loud?

Hey, I have that outfit. Awww, she's so normaaal!

Orange and black. Orange and black. Bah! It's like Halloween all over again. Also, because she's hiding a machete in each delicate tendril.

Something tells me the downfall of such an innovation is the pubic hair conundrum. Because I'm sure that taking this thing off, even with a single stray pube, would [fashionably] rip off my labia. I'd like to keep my nether regions intact, thank you.

wow, this live blogging thing is weird. i think it's time to walk away from the laptop. walk. away.

Maybe what this is trying to tell us is that children are the spawn of the devil. Do away with them, I say! Booze and ciggies for all.

Yes, to answer the article's question, it is impossible. I've only had two close male friendships in my life. The first one lasted 6 years, and it turns out both of us were trying to sleep with each other on and off the whole time, hooking up randomly and never ever talking about it. Of course, that "friendship" ended

The "tragedy" part is not what makes me itch. It's the "American" part that does...why? To America, her glittery, fabulous existence was the modern American dream realized. The American dream has never been to become a world-class writer, an environmentalist, or to win a Pulitzer prize. She, in all her fucked up

@rednrowdy: I three. Gawsh, maybe we're sistas. For me, it has everything to do with the South American blood. Bootays, noot boobays, all the way!

@drunkexpatwriter: Yeah, this supports my theory that women generally suck. But so do men, so I think humanity as we know it is screwed. Could there be some sort of mutant Z chromosome floating around in the Earth's atmosphere that could save us all?

@thatgirlinnewyork: You'd think that after buying his way into Yale and all, our faithful leader would've gotten over that one fundamental highschool principle: if you're smart, you're a loser. Apparently the dumbass is still in 9th grade. Intellectually and emotionally.

Fuck Madonna, I love Eugene Hutz. Couldn't HE have been pole dancing in this clip?

Why don't they just change their name to "Free the Non-White People (From Those Poor, Poor 3rd World Countries, So They Can, Like, Come to America and Make Love, Not War, and OMG, Rock a Fierce Pair of Capris, Such As!!!)"

Also, something tells me Rami only fucks in the missionary position. For shame.

The best part of the whole show had to be when Sweet P, in exclaiming the merits of being at the Met alone, looked at the camera with hearts and unicorns in her eyes and quietly said, "I probably could've touched a painting..................but I didn't."

Yes, I too hate the word hipster. But it only seems to be a dirty word to actual hipsters. Or hipsters so goddamn hipster that the word hipster is so nasty it's effin awesome again. Man, do I love them hipsters. They blow my mind.