
It rare I read something that makes my wife stick her head in the room to see “What the hell my stupid ass is laughing at” Well done you.

Dont buy it !! The community is having a boycot on April 3rd.Ubisoft wont fix servers or grp maker..Its fucking broke,You will be put against people 2000 lvls higher than you if your lucket to get a grp..Untill Ubi fixs this cash grab dont waist your money...Too bad to,This game is awesome as hell..Well it could be

The story for me is what keeps me playing a game,And the first hr of Andromada had me in goose bumps!! Ive played the first hr three times now just to show it off. I was going to pick up wildlands this weekend but This 10 hr trial just bought Bioware a game sale!! Loved it.