
I don't think she's selling them short. I think she's (rightly) stating that, whatever reasons they had for voting Trump, you can't just look away from all the negative consequences of that vote. That is unless they think there were no negative consequences.

"but I also can't blow morons just to get them on my side"

"Fireable offense"? Thats a bit over the top. All the dude said is that distributors are saying these diverse characters are not selling.

So you bought his single 20 times but not a fan? Not telling you what to do with your money but that's not smart either.

Personally it doesn't piss me off. It just puzzles me. Like there was a hashtag on Twitter a while back where some of his female fans of CB said they would be ok with him beating them because omg he's so hot

Who cares? Like the right is going to change their opinion about the left because of this comment section?

Arrival got lost in the immortal battle between Moonlight and La La Land. IMO it is better than those two movies

Thanks, I needed a few laughs.

And yet "Van Wilder" and "Rise of Taj"

"Why are we wasting our time with this crap?"

Yea at some point you have to realize the editors will use what you give them.

Much like Randall I started a huge Brooke fan and now I'm not really interested in her or her food. Completely agree that she came off as a Blais-style entitled asshole towards the end there even though evidence points that she did outcook Shirley.

I don't feel that Shirley is "far superior" but she is better than Brooke and I agree that if Brooke wins it'll feel so contrived, what with her being the original "victim" of LCK.

Those Germans have a word for everything

I don't think there's anything more other than people at Breitbart are probably sick of him and his schtick must be exhausting.

After all the hoopla and concern about Matt Damon being a "white savior" and this movie deemed "problematic" it turns out he's just cast as a smelly European who is shown to be inferior in every way to the epic Chinese warriors?

Awesome. Makes me root for her win even more so.

All I have to say to this comment is:

Did she design Beyonce's outfit too?

I'm sure Adele could give a shit