
" If you think people can't see what you're doing, you're mistaken."

I love how you "might even agree" with basic common decency. You're either a delusional sap or a disingenuous troll. Either way, Sad! In the words of your daddy Trump. Teeheehee

You're wrong and you'll never see it because you're so blinded by your admiration for Trump. It doesn't matter if he had made similar jokes and gestures before , if he had any common sense or decencyhe'd know it'd be completely inappropriate when directed at somebody with a disability. But because he's a sack of shit

I didn't realize part of Kellyanne the ghoul's duty was to spin in Disqus comments section

Way to concede

That's about all the effort your boring rambling deserves.

You're dull

"Next thing you know they’ll be chipping ingredients out of blocks of ice."

You're dull

He never was a good guy, just a fat asshole with a good edit

My wife is from Indonesia and I can confirm that it's very much desired to have white skin. Majority of the actors over there are light skinned, either Chinese descent or of mixed ethnicities, usually indonesian and Dutch. Representation is great but money is always the focus

Thank you. Sites like have cultivated a readership representing the worst impulses of the left. And why is Beyoncé such a sacred cow now is beyond me

Say what you will about Gawker and they did plenty of questionable shit but whoever cares about freedom of press should care about what that creepy queen Peter Thiel did.

What the everloving fuck?

Margaret Cho, who was funny maybe 2 presidential administrations ago, embellished a private conversation for a couple of laughs
Then Tilda show the recepts. Tilda Swinton comes off as clueless but Margaret Cho comes off like a huge asshole

5 total. But you knew that already.

" I just read like the eighth sexist thing about men today"

Mother's Day should be #1 if only because of Julia Roberts' shitty wig.

The wonton! The soup! It works on so many levels!