That lady has no scruples or principles. All the shit she talked about Trump early in the primary and now this. Give her enough money and she'd wipe Putins ass with her mouth
That lady has no scruples or principles. All the shit she talked about Trump early in the primary and now this. Give her enough money and she'd wipe Putins ass with her mouth
Sadly the Prolapsed Anus in Chief seems addicted to the Twitter
Trump is such a stunt queen
Scumbags of a feather
"how are you going to defeat them in future elections without understanding what made them the way they are?"
They're all awful but here are my rankings from worst to least-worse
I have spent a lot of energy defending this show but after last night I think I'm done doing that. Negan is such a clown that it's hard to take him seriously. Why does he always talk like that? And apparently he's going to be around beyond one season? I'm not ready to throw in the towel but I don't think I can't…
Yep, somehow the big Leonard Cohen fan you replied to didn't know that
Her trash talking of Will and Jada over their snub of the Oscars was priceless. Too bad she took the video down.
Some things do make you go hmm…
Zendaya is one of those useless "artists" that blogs like Jezebel keep trying to make happen even though there's no discernible talent or anything special about them. I guess she's in Instagram or some such shit a lot.
Damn…how many Courics is he going to weigh now??
Not as tragic as giving up Chik Fil A
Of course there will be. If it made money once it'll make money again, no matter how repetitive or unessential a sequel would be.
Yes, there is a completely valid reason for being an aloof weirdo who needs a chocolate valet. Tell me more!
Ugh, shut up your troll-ass, troll.
I can see people complaining if the movie doesn't get reviewed.
"uncomfortable, in 2016, at the idea of a cis man playing a transvestite"
"The Innkeepers" was actually pretty effective as far as the interaction between the leads but I agree that as a horror movie it failed