Lipe Trindade

It’s only in the latest expansion, but, there’s a “second” trust system, your Adventurer Squad at the Grand Company you chose. After you levelled your npcs sending them to missions (a la the system in WoW) to lv20, you open up “Command Missions”, where you can run any dungeon (assuming the npc has enough levels to

I've readed once on a topic in NA forum that a Rioter said that ppl that've made false reports over time make his/hers reports value less and less, to an extent that his reports became without value. If this stills exists, it'll be something that kinda balance things, making ppl that abuse the report button simply

Or like the other guy said, Grass Knot will do tons of damage on Onix, possibly OHKO (since it will have a 120 base damage 'cause Onix is so damn heavy).

Bide isn't a really useless move, there's some pokes that can be used in battle (usually tanks) that can really hurt with it, and since Gen V it does have a slight priority after the absorb turns. OFC, you don't want to use it in every poke or against a Batom Pass team, but it's still viable.