Liora Llewellyn

Hahaha, thanks!

WOW, not only did I plug my own blog, I *messed up* at plugging my own blog. Thank you for fixing that. I'mma go crawl in a hole now.

NOOOOOOO! I'd love to see a new show, preferably animated, but no one who had anything to do with that Nick show can ever be involved!

Sometimes it seems like half the people in online Animorphs fandom are working on their own comic/movie/TV adaptations. Or at least talking about it endlessly.

I've been re-reading them. Most of them have their cringe-worthy moments, but some of them - #19 and #33 specifically - really hold up exceptionally well.

Morphing is impossible, period. Stop asking these sorts of questions before you start wondering how they can morph spandex, or why their haircuts remain the same when they morph back, or how their bodies can store all this spare DNA without it degrading, or why it's all about DNA when most of our bodies consist of

Nope, what Jake saw at the end there was a brief glimpse of the Crayak - the Ellimist's rival. He was sort of Lovecraftian, but really more like an alien version of Satan.