
I hear this a lot and have parroted it myself, but were they actually serving it hotter though? Like, I empathize with her injuries and McD’s was certainly shadey about it, but, like... I tried this arguement on my dad as an uppity teenager and he manages several different chains at travel hubs across the nation. He

Every publication seems to be trying to push the Always Pan on me, but I just don’t see the appeal.

Every publication seems to be trying to push the Always Pan on me, but I just don’t see the appeal.

DAE remember coke online

My, hands down, favorite chicken dish is this:

Sweet, savory, complex. I’m sure the cooking instructions as-written are also great but I followed a comment’s advice: Set oven to 375 F and bake with skin side down for 15 minutes.

Calico is super charming and relaxing! It has different gameplay mechanics than animal crossing but somehow manages to scratch the same itch for me without losing my interest. Plus, you can ride a cat!

Calico is super charming and relaxing! It has different gameplay mechanics than animal crossing but somehow manages

I have three cats. Two love us to the point of smothering, the third is aloof and rarely accepts pets. He was a lovable kitten until I had to give him eye drops as a kitten for an eye infection he had gotten at the shelter. It scarred him for life and his sister, who also received eye drops, was unfazed and remained

Of note, Florida’s 21st Congressional District is where trump’s Mar-A-Lago is located. I find this (where they are campaigning, that is) a little strange since Boca is Florida’s 22nd Congressional District, not the 21st, but maybe part of it is technically in the 21st?

Birds are as closely related to lizards/snakes as tortoises and crocodiles are and yet tortoises and crocodiles are still considered ‘reptiles’. Thus, birds are reptiles.

I live in the poor/middle-class area of palm beach (county) and Epstein literary preyed on girls at my high school which isn’t near his home AT ALL (at least a 30 minutes drive away) he just knew the poorer, more diverse school would be full of vulnerable young girls. I know this is beating a dead horse but fuck Trump,

I bought some structured mesh zippered clamshell bags (sorry my description sucks) for my bras and that has helped there. It’s more just that my shirts and dresses shrink in length from the dryer. I’ve had some luck with taking them out semi-damp and gently stretching them lengthwise, but each wash cycle makes the

Perhaps something is wrong with my dryer, then. It is pretty new but always seems to take forever to dry clothes on a normal heat setting. I always chalked it up to the humidity.

I think the dryer is sucking more of the life out of my clothes than the washer, but I’m not sure I have much of an alternative since I live in a very humid, rainy place. Any dryer tips?

Last I heard, at least non-nano titanium and zinc oxide aren’t full spectrum. They cover some of UVA, but not much? Nano ones are also suspected to have some environmental effects, as well. Let me know if they’re new info I missed.

Last I heard, at least non-nano titanium and zinc oxide aren’t full spectrum. They cover some of UVA, but not much?

My white dude friends got chased by helicopters and police with canines for trespassing on a construction site and were even convicted of federal(?) trespassing at the age of 16, BUT they also didn’t get shot for it.

I still struggle as an adult.

I guess they’re trying to essentially freeze the game state and sync the connections, but my other peer-to-peer online games aren’t nearly as annoying!

Your readers really want to know the best kitty litter robot....

Your readers really want to know the best kitty litter robot....

I tried to get treated in China first, trust me, but I have an antibiotic allergy and no amount of google translate seemed to be working.

Flying back from China with pneumonia I was actually really glad to have a screaming baby the entire flight as it made me feel not as bad about my hacking cough every two seconds (which actually broke one of my ribs, but that’s another story!). 

You could interpret this as a symptom or sign that you have entered a new stage of Loevinger’s stages of ego development. Conformist to Self-Aware or maybe even Self-Aware to Conscientious?