
I'm a little surprised by all the "I'm okay with this" comments. Yeah, obviously the guy is criminal and she deserves justice, but... permanently maiming him in a horrifying way? Which, in all likelihood, this will result in a shortened lifespan for him too? I don't condone this anymore than a woman who got acid

For reals... If I want to revisit my childhood, I'll FUCKING WATCH THE ORIGINAL.

You're being so patient!

I think it's because 3rd/4th wave sees individual agency as so paramount. My observation has been that a lot of what more recent scholarship on the field has focused on is questions of agency as it regards the body itself. If, for instance, transgender people can do gender reassignment (which carries risk) to find

I'm still trying to convince my girlfriend she doesn't need to wear makeup....

no need for all the hostility!

I don't get all the hate on XII. One of my favorites of all time, personally. I will never understand how people can bash XIII for being too linear and then turn around and say XII was too open.

This guy just hates women. It's obvious. Shit, some guy sheltered Diane Downs when she broke out of jail. Sick people in both genders like you said.

Yeah, and all men are the portrait of rational minds.

I was using a fake anecdote to describe a hypothetical situation because that was irrelevant to the subject matter at hand.

Here's a more real one for you: A person makes a post on a website responding to someone who asks how one woman making dumb arguments could delegitimize an entire movement. The writer provides a

"Excuse me waiter, this food you've brought me is rotten." "Open your own restaurant!"

Cool. Now do the only FF7 characters that matter, Cid and Vincent.

Wayyy too much vitriol. You feel better every time one of these "jackasses" cries? You really don't see how that makes you exactly the same as they are, just on the other side of the fence?

I really don't understand the whole "I only continue to read because" thing people say. I don't hate nor love Naruto. It's a fun read, there are better manga I enjoy.

Sorry mate, I don't want my games story to be the bare essentials. That's why I love games like Metal Gear Solid.

If that's all you said, no. But it's not. What you're saying is that compliments are no longer allowed and, if you give one, you are some level of jerk. This is a bridge too far for me.

The ones written for teenagers are nothing more than simplistic metaphors for trivial teenage angst.

Admittedly, I know nothing about the intricacies of game design, but come on. They're telling me it would be impossible and or unfeasible to switch party members while AI takes over the last member. All they say is "It would be too difficult." What would? So incredibly vague.

Um, yeah. I'm a 6 foot talk woman who has never dated a man taller than me. I am attracted to kindness, confidence, drive, purpose and intelligence. Victim mode spurred by entitlement issues isn't exactly on the top of my list of sexy attributes.