That has to be one of the stupidest things I've ever read. Seriously.
That has to be one of the stupidest things I've ever read. Seriously.
Bigotry is a powerful give-a-fuck motivator.
I think it would also help her message be embraced by more people who currently perceive her as hostile and an enemy. If the ultimate goal is to cause a shift in the average gamer's paradigm, I think it would be helpful to clarify to the average gamer that your goal is to improve games and not hinder them. A lot…
Direct the anger towards real strip clubs. I grew up playing gta games, watching campy action flicks, all the violence and hypersexualisation of the 80's and 90's. I don't objectify women, or abuse them, or siply look at them as objects.
Our families are seriously upset that our child isn't being raised in their religions (UCC for my ILs, Catholicism for my family).
I must ask you: Do you actually personally know any atheists?
I suspect there are a whoooollllle lot more people than that who are atheist or agnostic, they just don't say so because they don't want all their relatives preaching to them and trying to convert them all the time. Better to just keep quiet about religion, go along with the religious holidays and stuff, and be left…
I get all the dangers, etc., but to just answer your question: because it's fun. Really really really fun. I have memories from college of things that almost certainly would not have happened were everyone (anyone?) involved sober. Hilarious, weird, sometimes slightly dangerous memories.
Yep. Airtight. In a mental ward not in a prison. This is not only about justice. This is about society and culture. The mental health of the collective. If people think a twelve year old who thinks horror stories are real and feels no remorse over attempted murder can be thought not only a sane person, but an adult,…
Justice has little to do with the feelings of the victim or their loved ones. Of course they would want vengeance. But Justice isn't about revenge, it's about the impartial, fair and rational application of the laws of the land; that's why the classical depiction of Lady Justice is blindfolded, and holding a balance.
I never said a (woman) should not send naked pictures to her boyfriend.
So it's my fault, then, that my ex-boyfriend raped me? I mean, I made the decision to trust him because he seemed trust-worthy, and if I hadn't made the decision to trust him, I would not have made myself vulnerable to being raped by him, right?
And YOU do not have a reasonable expectation of protection when you choose to share those photos.
You're making my point for me. Your original post implied that it was always careless and extremely risky to take naked pics because it involved sending them to someone you didn't know well enough.
Last week, a German high court ruled that you can legally request that your ex-partner delete all erotic media of…
Because they already need to do a redub since this is the uncut version and they're going forward with all of the seasons.
It's pretty simple, you are a sociopath. You insult people that don't agree with you, and you are exactly the kind of person this article is talking about. You get more enjoyment out of gaming the players than playing the game. It's not normal to think everyone should just "get over it", or that if you can't handle…
No, I think it's analagous. Of course, I could've used someone being teased for being overweight. Ironic that someone who claims I don't understand analogies would straw man my own.