
You're trying to inject reason into an argument that has none. It's like trying to wax intellectual about politics with the crazy homeless guy, standing on his milk crate podium, yelling about space Nazi's.

You're never going to win. He cracked the code! Just be nothing, do nothing and the internet can't get you.

Oh, look, an Appeal To Worse Problems fallacy in order to deflect blame. That's original. Say, would you mind if I stole your identity? Since that's clearly not as bad as all the things you described.

You guys have hit the nail on the head. Even on this very article, so many LOL WHAT KIND OF RETARD WOULD LET A GAME GET TO THEM MAN UP YOU PUSSY


Totally disagree. VIII was my favorite of the series, tied with VI. People go one of two ways with VIII, love it or hate it. Squall is the most introspective and interesting protagonist in the series.

Shut the fuck up Count, nobody likes you, ya pretentious asshole.

So guys want the truth, eh? Okay. Here are some truths I've held onto because I'm not a socially inept jackass, but you really want to know.

That's what it boils down to in your head. Your only argument is "....but but framerate". Everyone that actually read the article and can understand technical specs are trying to tell you the difference between 30 fps because you are developing a game to be more visually striking on console A vs. 30 fps while trying

the end result isnt the same

That's a pretty poor argument. Squall wasn't really emo, and yeah, the love story kinda sucked, but I'd argue that's more Rinoa's fault than it is Squall's.

You're not alone, my friend. I think it's just regarded as somewhat of a black sheep due to how much they experimented with in the game.

Emo = self-loathing person who emanates depression and doubt, no sense of humor

Am I the only one that liked FF8?

People pay money for games and have no recourse if the game blows.

Being a developer does not make you an expert. You've done it again with the canonising of "developers". This is a complex social issue you're claiming to be an expert on, yet all your assertions regarding it can't be backed up by any proof.

Yes, lets discuss how unrealistic the weapons are in FFVII - the game where a dead guy bred from a space alien tries to destroy the planet by summoning a meteor to crash into it.

Ah, I see. You are one of those "well defined behaviors don't apply to groups I identify with because I say so and if you disagree you're [insert rhetoric here]" loonies.

ps: are you still trying to make misandry a word?

"Wrong. The people had a choice. Khomeini had a choice. They acted according to their own free will. The choice was to either submit to the Western powers, or to submit to Islamic rule. Japan wisely chose to submit to the West after World War II, and they prospered."