I was talking about the kid on the left.
I was talking about the kid on the left.
You make it sound like Chico and Snake weren't even in the scene.
Showing the gore doesn't make for bad storytelling, necessarily. At least not to me. I think you're being a bit harsh on this trailer, especially since they didn't focus on the wound for thirty seconds straight like you said(The camera panned around to the surrounding characters half of the time).
"Even if there are a lot of people who wouldn't get the subtle approach, it isn't a necessity to cater to them at the potential expense of core followers."
There are a myriad of reasons why I hate XIII. But for now, I'll list a few of the main reasons. Aside from the safe, Disney-esque storytelling, the gameplay is what I hated most about XIII. I don't have a problem with change, necessarily. But if I'm going to play an turn based jrpg, I want complete control of my…
That's a textbook example of an opinion, I'm afraid. It doesn't matter if you attach reasons for not liking something. It's not necessarily that you don't like it because the dialogue/writing/etc is objectively bad. It's that you think it's bad, with reasons provided. I don't think you quite grasp the meaning of what…
Thanks. Thing is, though, I started debating him again without realizing it was the same guy. Looks like I'll be dealing with the same tired arguments again. Good grief.
That's a textbook example of an opinion, I'm afraid. It doesn't matter if you attach reasons for not liking something. It's not necessarily that you don't like it because the dialogue/writing/etc is objectively bad. It's that you think it's bad, with reasons provided. I don't think you quite grasp the meaning of what…
Not everyone will hold the same opinion as you. Deal with it. And please stop acting like your opinion is the only valid one.
Thing is, Final Fantasy isn't CoD. Every game has been different in terms of gameplay and story throughout the series.
Not to me, it doesn't. Limiting control to one character goes in the face of having a party of multiple characters in the first place, imo. Actually, I've always thought that X-2's gameplay was a step in the right direction.
Me neither, and this is coming from someone who hated the first couple of trailers. Anyway, good discussion. It's nice to have a debate without resorting to sarcasm and name calling.
One more thing to add: I don't know a single person that buys games at the rate that you're describing. Not new $60 games, anyway.
Are those games that she bought you brand new? I sure as hell can't afford them unless they're used. The last new game I've bought was DMC: HD Collection, and that game was $30. I've preordered and am saving up for MGR:Revengeance, and I'll buy it when it comes out, but that's the only exception. There are a lot of…
If what you are saying is true, then you make a good point. But spoiled or not, sixty dollars is far from chump change for most people. Especially compared to umbrellas. You might have missed the question I edited in my last post. Was it each NES game that was $80? Also, I was referring to psx games.
But compared to $40 in the nineties, it's not cheap. I doubt that many people would spend that kind of cash these days. Also, was it each game that was 80 dollars?
Video Games are not, however.
"There's no point in cosplay but to look like the character."
How does it not? Correct term for the hat aside, the costume resembles that of Link's, and is vastly different from wearing a baseball cap and wifebeater. Your original point doesn't make any sense.
Don't feel bad. That was good. lol