Is Tango 45 a reference to Trump? Tango is an orange drink from the UK.
Is Tango 45 a reference to Trump? Tango is an orange drink from the UK.
A mix of Death Stranding (still on Chapter 3... I need to stop loafting), Resident Evil 3 on my Vita and Dissidia Final Fantasy Opera Omnia on my phone.
Karmaaaaa. Poliiiiice. Arrest this man...
Needs more Hotline Miami 1 or/and 2.
I beg to differ. I’ve been playing RE games since I was 8. From the first iteration of RE1 on PS1. I’ve played pretty much all of the games that were not on hand-held consoles. I can gladly say after playing the same fucking RE game for the past few releases that this is a very welcomed change.
The point of Resident…
Sounds like a you problem.
KOF for PS4/Steam with dedicated server support for multiplayer plz
u got sum WWE in ur UFC tho
Squall + Goku plz
I can’t unsee any of this
...Why is she called Nokia? All I can think of is a Nokia 3320 in a pink wig.
Plot twist: The madness from playing this game actually turns you in to an extremist.
Did the judge announce it with a rhyme? ‘Oscar Pistorius, is not victorious’
I disagree. It added more to the scene. You don’t need words to portray what needs to be said in stuff like this. It was very fitting with the feel that the director was trying to create. In a world where virtually anyone longer exists, why speak when your actions do so much more.