
Mindy is one of those people I like and dislike at the same time. I like her because she's confident, funny, smart, witty, creative, etc. And not enough words can express how happy I am to see a woman of color doing so well in this business. Got her own show, has a best selling book, got a cover on Elle, etc. What I

I resent Jaden Smith representing the black community. I resent Jaden Smith representing ANY community. I resent Jaden Smith.

Where did you buy your racism microscope? I gotta get me one of those.

If you're being serious:

That looks nothing like me or my family. A big ass in this day and age does not equal a black woman. You're ridiculous.

Oh noes, because they have big asses and tits they MUST be referencing black people. Wait, who is the racist here?

Why is it always white authors who are always looking to find hidden racism in media and declare how terrible it is? Sometimes it feels like white authors are trying to explain racism to the Black community and how offended people should be. Can you imagine how annoying it would be if men were always trying to tell

White people getting angry at white people for what may or may not offend black people. LOL

No apologies; I love Taylor Swift. You do you, Taylor. I loves it.

It's really disheartening to read all these comments from people saying things like "her body type is still totally unobtainable to 95% of women!" and "even 'normal' people don't look like that!". Why do people act like serious fitness is some kind of freakish abnormality? I am a size 0, an Olympic weight lifter, and

PSA: "Fewer" for countable nouns (like "people" and "problems"); "less" for uncountable nouns (like "grammatical knowledge" and "life advice").

I've lost any respect I might have had for Will and Jada. I know teens are already pretentious little gits, but theirs are just dumb as a box of rocks to boot.

Yeah, I don't understand why we can't learn to protect ourselves for the world we're in while ALSO working for the world we wish we were in.

why do people seem to think that learning self-defense and teaching men not to rape are mutually exclusive? no one is blaming the victim if she gets rape, anything she can do to protect herself is good. also no one is blaming rape victims for not knowing self defense. we can try to teach people not to murder or

Well, according to Jez, Rihanna is all-fucking-right. No calculated image there, people.

Only you showed up to say that, my friend. Only you.

Did anybody call two? What's the over/under on this?

Yeah, it's a bit of a one-two punch, huh?

Get over yourself.