
Yeah. On the one hand, the reporter was a lying asshole. On the other hand, she tried to auction off amputated labia bits. Maybe it's a tie?

Kind of knew this was coming and still genuinely sad to hear the news. Unapologetic, badass, SURVIVOR. She came back from Carson. She came back from her husband's suicide and a damn near empty bank account. She came back from the haters time and time again. She owned her surgeries, the pressure she felt as a woman,

You might have also misunderstood me. I'm not just talking about her dating. I'm talking about all the characters. It is literally white men and Mindy Kaling. There are minor other characters who get 1-5 lines per episode who are not white or male that are not Mindy Kaling. Like I said, an OB/GYN firm or midwife

Yeah she's gotten a lot of flack for issues regarding race and sexual assault on the show, and just gender in general. The only other characters and the only men she dates are ALL white men. Literally exclusively white men. There is a black nurse and a hillbilly receptionist. Plus the episode where James Franco's

I would argue the fact that they didn't go through with it is worse than even not doing an episode at all. It was very "Hey let's walk up to the precipice but then decide to have a kid we don't really want anyway!"

Yeah, that's not the right way of talking about the issue. If Mindy doesn't want to address it on her show, that's fine. Some comedies don't tackle serious issues. But the abortion episodes in Sex and the City and Girls worked well enough, even though both shows shied away from having the character follow through with

That's a really nuanced point (that plenty of people are not really considering if the comments are any indication). I also have no problem believing that her estranged husband forced her into this, as he sounded pretty fucking controlling in the court documents. But that's just me.

I'm not a troll asshole. I genuinly ask these questions because I don't know the laws regarding surrogacy. I didn't state she's not a parent because she's not the biological mother, I asked of she could even seek legal custody because her husband can always argue her egg wasn't used and his sperm was indeed. I can see

She has not genetic tie to the kid, nor is she birthing the child. Without adopting the child, which her separated husband has paternity of and can block the adoption, she has little legal standing to try for custody.

I actually agree with you here. The kid appears to be part of a grand scheme to get money from her. He induced her into agreeing to adopt the child by fraudulently appearing to want a family with her. He didn't. Now, she's out.

Why should she tie herself to a child who will be used for financial gain? Sure, she signed the papers but it's not like she can fight for custody if her husband is the biological parent and she isn't, or can she?

How is it her child if her egg wasn't used?

They need to let the poor show die. It's a zombie show like three times over now. Can't be good.

I totally agree. Sadly Community has really delusional fans. Shows get canceled all the time but for some reason their favorite show is special and should be kept on life support for another 10 years.

The ones making a joke of his songs are funny but the ones that are totally random are hysterical. Unable to screenshot but these:

Personal favorites for me were...

So I LOVED Community...I really did. But I'm just gonna say it, I think it's time for it to be over. Sorry?

How does Community keep getting saved? I've given it a try several, earnest times, and for the life of me can't laugh once.

BMI over 40 would be 5' and 204 pounds, 5'7 and 255 pounds, or 6' and 295 pounds.

Gypsy is an exonym for the Romani people (including 1M Roma residing in the U.S.) While it's not a slur, its usage is controversial and I'm pretty sure using the term "hairy gypsy" as an insult is just plain (bigoted, xenophobic) awful. Irony.