A self-described stage parent not displaying appropriate behavior at a significant life event for her child? Color me shocked.
If you like that post on Feministing, why don't you just.. read it on Feministing?
Selfie stick: formerly known as, a stick.
Fuck suicide. I lost a relative to it as a child. Last year, I lost a lover to it. When I see news about a famous person ending their own life, I always think of him. Of course, I think of him a lot anyway.
Uh huh, James Franco, I'm also sure you invented Post-it notes and Toaster Strudel too.
My views towards my breast size are... Complicated. Because complicated feelings are complicated. And complicated. :/
Listen, I really do understand where you're coming from. And I have seen you complain about this before (and I believe Jezebel actually pulled their post that praised your work quite heavily).
HAH I just imagined the cops standing at a spot in the road damaged during quake and gently laying a ticket down on the ground then offering a stern warning.
Hahaha-I love that people are calling in to 911 to report it. I woke up thinking a bulldozer was knocking down my apartment building, but as I was half asleep-I just thought. UGH Go AWAY bulldozer I'm SLEEPING. The newscasters had the exact same reaction as my cat who ran under the bed and hid for 20 minutes (he's…
Minnie Mouse: rocking the blue eyeshadow + red lip like nobody's business~
Juliette Binoche can do no wrong in my eyes. I love that woman.
Great idea.
If a menstruating woman's touch sickens men and boys, who don't the women use it to take over?
I would love to see more articles like this on Jezebel. Thank you.
Tinder does happen in real life, all the time, at every minute of the day. You walk down the street, or into a bar and you glance at people. The ones that you mentally go 'he's cute' to are the ones you've swiped right to, the guys you ignore, the ones that don't even register in your brain are the swipe left.
The fact…
Jesus, am I the only one who enjoys Jimmy Kimmel? He is pretty hated here it seems. But, seriously, he is so much better than Jimmy Fallon and Jay Leno. Come on now.
Why did these people sign releases?