
Please write fifteen more paragraphs and try to obscure the fact that people are taking something that they didn't pay for. I have seen authors bemoan the fact that the first google result for their book is a link to an illegal pdf. Do they feel better that the people who put up her book and download it might not have

So, Ru deserves to be stolen from because she has more money than you? It's not stealing just because you don't feel like it is? ? Whatever, you know you are wrong and being shity right now. Just admit you feel entitled to the what you want for free.

You are stealing, and you are fully aware that it is wrong. Don't blame the artist or the record company. If you didn't want to steal, you wouldn't. Your logic makes no sense. What's to stop you from pocketing small items when you go to the grocery store? It's okay, right, because if they didn't want you to steal the

She can hide out at my place until this all blows over.

I find it a little hypocritical to call Rayon a collection of tropes rather than a real trans character, and then criticize the character for not reacting to being misgendered. This implies two things about trans people : that we all react to misgendering the same way, and that we all experience gender dysphoria in

"Leto doing his job. Since when do we hand out awards for people just doing their jobs?"

And don't even get me started on Tom Hanks. I mean, seriously...talking to a volleyball isn't hard. And all those sound guys? I mean, seriously...isn't it their job to record things?

Since when do we hand out awards for people just doing their jobs?

Isn't that the entire point of the Oscars, Grammys, etc.?

Sooo he doesn't deserve an Oscar because his character didn't act in the way you'd expect her to? Isn't this implying every trans woman would have the same reactions? I'm sure not everyone is the same, and different personalities *are* allowed, you know.

I absolutely cannot disagree with your points regarding the film and Leto's performance, as I have not seen the film and I'm not a trans woman. However, people do get awards for doing their jobs (example: my husband receives commission when he does his job very well). This has been the case for quite a long time.

Well then I'm tired of movies about slaves/ historical bio pics winning oscars, because hey, they're just telling a story ie doing their job.

"Adele Dazim." Nailed it, Travolta.

you spelled "awesome" wrong

I find it cute since she's probably not even serious. And I also share her love for Chris Evans (and his back, in/out of Tshirts.)

Poor JLaw. She just gets too many accolades. I play a tiny violin for her.

I hate that we call non-models "real women," like models are bred in a factory somewhere and aren't also real women.

Besides all the racist shit, he kept on saying he was late for a game of Monopoly.

Someone, please PLEASE! Give that girl a bacon cheeseburger! She follows Breatharianism and I follow The Church of TheFlying Spaghetti Monster. May he touch her with his noodly appendage.

Well then. No.

I'm just sitting back in awe of how every single response is proving my point...