
I own a Shiba and meet regularly with other owners and I can say without a doubt, this tripe is wrong. Not a difference in opinion mind you, it's simply and drastically wrong.

Most likely because of the well documented, long standing animosity between otters and Shiba Inus.

Shibas are one of the best breeds of dog you could have. My friends have 2 that are well behaved, follow commands and have the best personalities. I bought a Shiba because I loved their dogs. They are quick learners when it comes to obedience training and potty training them is much easier than any other breed of dog

It's actually like a club you get into. I met many others. Some of my navy buddies, so it wasn't like this was from a single blood line.

Kind of like how you're being a dick, but I don't judge all humans based on you.

It does read as if Doge himself wrote it trying to pass as hoomin.

I had one I bought for my then girlfriend before we got married. She got him in the divorce.

BEST. DOG. EVER. Think of every positive trait you've ever loved in a dog. He had all of them.