Because America is weirdly puritannical when it comes to sex and sexuality. Violence? Good for children! A single butt cheek? Better slap an NC-17 rating on that baby.
something something shame something something modesty!!!!
Anyone find this kind of silly given the context of murdering hundreds of people in a death game built around the same style of another game on the same engine which was built on the story of japanese school children mudering each other that was stolen by a random white lady for a popular book then movie series?
Actually in the case of the NES, this would complicate matters considerably. Not every NES console is the same, their behavior actually varies quite a bit, and it has an additional quirk: each time you power on a real NES, the CPU and PPU are not necessarily aligned. There are 12 possible alignments, and those…
Speedrunners almost never use emulators and ROMs. This run was done on an original NES, according to the description. It looks like was modified with RGB output (for better video quality) and a tap on the controller to record and display inputs. But the actual game-playing hardware is identical.
Fantastic run!
I am a 36 year old female, and I have no problem with the question he asked. I feel that the implictions for asking a female automatically vilify the asker, when the same question posed to a male would probably have not received such criticism. I find that this weird overcompensation that is intended to protect and…
This isn’t offensive. Would it be offensive to ask Christian Bale how much he weighed when he shot The Machinist? No. We already know it was 120 pounds. Or how much he weighed when he made Batman Begins a year later? Nope it was 190.
I think that it has more to do with the way the question was asked. He could have asked, “I understand that you lost weight for this role as a cocaine user. How much weight did you end up losing and how hard was that?”
True, but I dont think young boys are in any danger of emulating Robert Deniro and gaining 60 lbs to look cool. Society is obsessed with women looking a certain way and thats a bigger issue.
I thought the same thing, but to be fair to this article, those discussions get framed in a completely different context that this one. Like, all of those actors are celebrated for that physical commitment to the role and no interviewer prefaces their questions with concerns that the actors’ weight fluctuations…
You can almost hear him thinking “the gals are all gonna be on my side on this one. We may have to wait for the applause to die down for her to answer. I’m so woke”
I’m putting this picture on my dashboard in case someone tries to steal my car.
I made a stupid comment yesterday and people were still hassling me hours after my first mea culpa because they didn’t bother to look for a correction. You’re in for a long evening.
But it isn’t a fancy title right out if the gate. You went right out of the gate and got a receptionist position. I’m glad you worked your way to higher paying, and ultimately better position. This girl decided to further her education, which is valuable, and is widely considered a legitimate alternative path to…
The job market is very difficult for youngins right now, and it’s usually not just that they all want a big fancy job right out the gate. A person with that much debt can’t afford to pay it and rent every month on the salaries that are being offered for many of the entry-level jobs being offered. So sure, she could…