
We have to screw with nature before nature screws with us!

Stop screwing with nature.

On the Guardian I read that he actually even tried the chain of commands several times to no avail, which is why he decided to go this route instead.

So cutting all the forests down is a bad thing? Whoops. Who knew?

Global hunger is not a due to the lack of food.

Monsanto is working on that already

If only there were some kind of bioengineered creature that could absorb carbon dioxide and convert it into solid polymers. Ideally, such a creature would use some abundant energy source, like solar energy, to power this process.

Sadly this will be seen as progress and people will think we’re all going to be fine and not realize that the size of the hole we’re in is so large that this is effectively meaningless.

At least the watch comes with a picture of what Earth used to look like.

True, the S4 and S5 were ugly but at least unique looking. The S6 looks like Samsung's designed couldn't decide whether they wanted to copy the iPhone 4 or 6 and decided to combine the two.

I don't get the "let's make fun of people who are scared of chemicals" bias in these comments. I think we can all be grownups and agree that we shouldn't be frightened of chemical-sounding names because not all chemicals are bad. We shouldn't recoil in fear from chemicals in nature or from engineered food and other

the gear shifts are like an experiment in quantum entanglement. it's like the fact that you're observing the shift makes the shift happen before you observe it.

A text document, or in the case of a Word file, a XML file, consists of purely ascii characters, compressing that is completely perfectly reversible.. the letter A is the letter A.... Images on the other hand can be compressed to save space at a negligible loss in quality. Let me give you a real-world example. O

Because we live in a country full of shortsighted morons and politicians bought and paid for by shortsighted rich men who want to make a world for their benefit and no one elses.

What will never change is man's greed for power and wealth. It will be his eventual undoing.

Or we need to adapt our habits, activities, technologies, institutions and worldviews to this very planet that made us.

We are far from achieving success in this regard. Airbus approach is flawed, as admitted by most of the pilots who fly them. When things go well, it's like driving a bus. But when things go wrong (like the latest Air France accident) things can get pretty fucked up fast if you are not super-experienced in dealing with

Yeah, I kinda felt bad reading about how the octopi had to had their arms amputated, and even being made to grasp their own dismembers later.