So you think my entire post was about being literally unable to understand what the headlines was supposed to convey? And you think I’M the pedant? Get to fuck.
So you think my entire post was about being literally unable to understand what the headlines was supposed to convey? And you think I’M the pedant? Get to fuck.
I’m fine with that. But I think you’ve missed the point. I’m fine with a headline like “This voice is a total mismatch - WTF!?’, as childish and unprofessional as it is. I’m concerned with the application of an adjective to the exclamation. Read it out - “complete what the fuck”. What in the name of Christ is that…
Can’t risk damaging their fragile facade of also being heroes of WW2.
“Complete WTF”
Nintendo hasn’t given a rat’s dick about D-pads for a very long time now, this isn’t new.
Maddy, I love your hair.
Don’t tell me it was 20 years ago please.
Modern visuals - make everything dark as shit. Have you ever tried to play a game with the logo ‘just barely visible’, like recommended? It’s a fucking joke!
I guess this is why the health of Asians is so much worse than the health of Americans... WAIT, NO
Sounds EXACTLY like Journey and Abzu. They weren’t very fun to play either and involved collecting lots of crap as well.
Gollum was always Jar Jar Binks (in the movies). Never liked how they turned him into a supposed character. Felt like I was on fucking Mars, in the cinema with all the shitmunchers laughing their heads off.
Screw Star Wars. What does this mean for Dead Space?
This is such a painfully Japanese non-explanation that I think it’s given me Japancer (Japan + cancer).
Yes, that’s right, including a multi-tap would be the ONLY way to do that. It’s not like they could have added as many ports as they liked under that ugly flap. What a ludicrous idea though, it’s not like they intended it as some kind of family-friendly multipl-OH WAIT THAT’S EXACTLY WHAT THEY’RE CLAIMING
Call me a purist, but I think the ‘best’ lists should be exclusives only. It should be ‘the best reasons to own this console’. It’s not a reason for me if I can play the game on another console I already own (/could have played it over a year ago).
China can get fucked.
Would make more sense to have fucking three-player support when you’ve included Secret of Mana.
Er... what? Tamagotchis have been around pretty much non-stop since 1997. What is this about? Replicas of the original line or something? Where is the information? This is nothing.
Primer was the worst thing I ever sat through, and I have no idea how I managed to sit through it. Willfully obtuse, flat as a witch’s tit, and stubbornly refuses to make any concessions in the way of entertainment.
Given that Doug TenNaple has turned out to be a noxious scumbag purveyor of nonsense bullshit, bringing back memories of the Neverhood is the last thing I want to do.