Linus Nixon

I’m convinced this particular Jezebel article only exists so the writer could push “Latinx” super hard as a thing by using it heavily.

Amen. You’re not seeing this in Spanish-speaking countries. I see this as trying to take away part of our culture.

Yeah, but you have to remember this isn’t about respecting Spanish or Latino people.

“Nouns in Spanish have gender. This is simply how the language works. It isn’t specifying female or male unless that’s what you are discussing”

It is so ridiculous.

“Latinx” is what happens when Staying Woke Goes Wrong.

And what’s worse is when bloggers/journalists do this, then any interesting article about issues we are facing becomes entirely about the silly word with the X.

So are we going to start doing this with all Spanish words? I don’t know if these books were written by a man or a woman so let’s call them Librx... Those cats? Gatx.... Seriously when is this going to stop? Spanish as a language has Masculine and Feminine words... Latino, Latina, and the plural when there are both

seriously. i HAAAAAAAAAAAAAATE it.

Nouns in Spanish have gender. This is simply how the language works. It isn’t specifying female or male unless that’s what you are discussing.

Latinx?? Come on, it’s much better latin@s or latinos, it sounds ridiculous to say latinx.

See, I always thought that was weird because calling someone Latin is no different than calling someone Hispanic. Latin is just as a European term as Hispanic is. Also, the combining of the Hispanic groups into this one “Latin” blob is insulting. Especially since so many of us don’t get along with each other. Puerto

Latinx sounds like a Pokémon. Always has, still does, always will.

On Univision and in Spanish, nobody spells it this way.

Ugh, I hate the term “Latinx”. It makes me think of a Roman soldier in Spanx. Can’t we go for “Hispanic?” Or better yet, individual ethnic groups. Because as a Puerto Rican, tacos aren’t part of my culture. Oh, they are still delicious. But me ordering them is no different from any other person out there ordering

Assholes who now work for Univision and conveniently forget that it’s a $3 billion company owned and run by Latino people since its inception in the 1960s.

I understand the need for some people to have a label like latinx.

Who started this ridiculous trend of spelling Latino with an X? Please stop doing this guys.