“Sex is the greatest thing ever, it is an essential part of a romantic relationship, big penises are the best and losing your virginity at the earliest opportunity is best. ”
“Sex is the greatest thing ever, it is an essential part of a romantic relationship, big penises are the best and losing your virginity at the earliest opportunity is best. ”
Right... it’s women that create a toxic sexual culture for women. Nope.
Your point is well taken, as my statement was a bit lazy.
Yeah. And I definitely didn’t mean to imply that there is this ultimate mind/body split for either disorder.
“I’m sure some of this was psychological: Both Luke and I grew up in Christian households, which I don’t regret in any way––we are still practicing Christians––but sex was never talked about in my family. ”
This is misleading. You have severe travel and residence restrictions after you get married, wile pursuing citizenship. That is extremely burdensome for, for instance, most people who meet through education and work, who find themselves in this situation.
I think one of the biggest misconceptions about immigration in the US is that marriage makes things suddenly easy. I blame TV for this. About half of my friends married foreign nationals. Oh my God the red tape. I honestly think it sucked the romance out of their weddings, just having that looming.
This is poor wording “Mexican people who came here illegally will have an easier time than he has had.” But I know you mean bureaucratically speaking, so I’ll let it slide.
I think I’ve read that fanfic.
One other thing... I think that that both Moffat and Gatiss weren’t always so extreme in terms of the way they used their shows to punish women. I think they were pushed over the edge by the fact that they ended up writing shows that depended on a female fan base. Seeing your work admired by people your think are…
Gatiss is a beautiful actor. But yeah... his depictions of women are dehumanizing.
Molly Hooper is creepy and pathetic. She is what Moffat thinks the “fan girl” is. It’s pretty simple really.
Oh come on. I mean, there was that episode where Sherlock deduced that Chinese people are sneaky. That was pretty good. http://iwontloveyoulongtime.blogspot.com/2011/01/sherlock-blind-banker.html
I’ve never understood Jezebel’s obsession with Sherlock. I’ll admit, I really enjoyed some of the first and second season. No one will ever be a better Moriarty than Andrew Scott. All of the actors are quite lovable actually. But this is one of, if not the most misogynistic BBC series ever made. And that’s saying…
He really does.
Disgusting. And cliché. Domestic abuse. Child abuse. Animal abuse. No person with a history of committing any of these crimes should be in law enforcement.
You should be worried about your friend. Scroll through The Counted (https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/ng-interactive/2015/jun/01/the-counted-police-killings-us-database): An interactive website where you can click to read about individuals killed by police. There aren’t many white women, or children. But you’ll see…