

And? Still obnoxious. And dangerous.

I gave mine for you, and one for you to boot!

There’s a lot to unpack in your comment but on exposing your kids to the Gospels at an age-appropriate time, I’ve always remembered the words of an annoyed professor when I took a class in Elizabethan poetry and prose, when none of the students knew which myth Spenser or Donne or some such was referencing in one of

Agree with all this. There was a time when I clung to the evangelical favourite 2 Timothy 3:16, “All scripture is god-breathed” but those days are looooong gone. But when you try to use secular historical and scientific principles with them, they will invariably fall back on this chestnut.

We’re like the two horsemen of the nonpocalypse.

Well, sure, insofar as anything in the Bible is garbled as a result of the same process.

I think we’ve arrived at the same place, post-nutter. My big thing is these people who say God is infinite and then proceed to put the notion of infinity into a box tiny enough for their mortal brains to comprehend. I respond by saying God gave me this intellect, and my intellect tells me that putting boundaries on

I agree with most of this but I will say, as another former nutter, that the biggest thing I hold against Jesus is the Great Commission, which I remember gave me so much anxiety in high school when I felt I should be witnessing to friends about my faith and understanding they didn’t want to hear about it.


Where does it say that the two people she was sitting with were a couple? I assumed they were travelling solo, as they didn’t interact with each other either.

It’s not fucking racist to be upset about the situation. It’s fucking racist to bitch about it loudly on the phone to your friend and to the flight attendant and anyone who’ll listen, all the while avoiding looking or interacting with the people who clearly can hear everything she is saying. She treated them like they

Really sorry you’re hurting. 

I’m sorry for deleting two of your comments. They pretty much said the same thing you’ve said in all your other comments, if that helps.

I did indeed delete a couple of comments. None of my own, just a couple from your burners. Is that what you deem “gaslighting”? I’m not trying to convince you that you’re crazy, although I have considered suggesting you seek help. I didn’t because it seemed sort of rude to do so.

I think you’re confusing me with someone else. If you’d like to quote back to me anywhere besides my initial post where I said anything at all about Gaga, please do so. Your comments are full of projections. I’m not a fan of Gaga, couldn’t really care less about her except as an example of popular culture and the

I really haven’t defended Gaga other than my initial comment. Everything since then has just been playing with your burners. I think your cause is a good one and worth discussion but your tactics make you impossible to take seriously. Have a good evening.

One question tho: why did you make two burners for this crusade? Weird flex, but okay.

Glad we understand each other.

We mostly listen to singer songwriter stuff at the palace.