
Starred for cuteness only! Dogs remain inferior, if lovable, furniture-destroying menaces that I nevertheless stop to pet at every opportunity.

Hadn’t noticed/considered the lipstick; agree with you there. I think it’s a bit harsh to suggest she’s trying to be anything other than herself but I’m sure she’d be happy to be compared to Helen Mirren (wouldn’t we all!)

It’s been a strange time to watch cable news and see (some) Republican pundits that I regularly agree with (because the conversation is so often about Trump). I have to remind myself that they very often embrace and promote terrible policies that support the current income inequality chasm.

Thanks, yeah, others have helped me out on that one. I think I was confused because I didn’t realize the show had trans men as contestants. I thought it would be either CIS men or trans women. 

Yeah I looked it up after commenting and read about his ex’s divorce complaint. Yikes. I mean I’ve heard plenty of stories over the years about him being a jerk on set, but I didn’t know he was violent. This changes my perspective (goddammit). 

JLC was a goddess on the red carpet. Fiji water will be smited (smot?) from on high.

oh christ i didn’t know he beat his wife. 

Thanks for circling back on this.

Thanks. I’m a bit embarrassed at how dumb I am about this stuff. I’ve never watched the show (it’s not carried on the limited cable package I subscribe to) but I read about here and there in the media. I guess I was thinking that if they are all doing drag as women, then they must have been male assigned at birth? So

This is a good, balanced take, especially with the wider potential impact. 

Finally some good fucking news!

Did some googling on this topic and, yeah.

oh, and what a lovely picture! Thanks for sharing.

My first thought.

Yikes I didn’t think of that - was more hoping it was partially just bad lighting or something (plus years of having a good time, obviously). I mean, some people don’t age as well as others and he clearly DGAF about nipping and tucking. But yeah, hope he’s not sick. 

Agreed. Despite the vodka in the eye story and various bits here and there about his temperament, I still heart Bill Murray and hope we see him in weird cameos and maybe hand him a supporting actor Oscar for a role that embodies all the things we love about him. He’s made lots of money for Hollywood - they owe him one!

I mean, I don’t mean to be ageist and I would love to be at one of those parties he spontaneously shows up to. 

He just doesn’t sound sincere.

Yeah he also made some asinine comment about how it’s not his life’s dream to be an ally and he’s not interested in that gig, so I doubt he’ll be making any visits like that.