
In Toronto, the show aired on Sunday nights at 7 on the Canadian station, and then at 9 on ABC. I used to watch it both times. And would very often be doing the shoulder boogie on the couch during the theme song (co-written by JJ, as he did for the Felicity theme song! who knew)

This is way better than stupid Nicki Minaj acting stupid.

ha ha, nice!

I love it. I mean, the headline is ambiguous but it still makes me giggle.

Oh someone mentioned that quote on a different article earlier and all I could think of was Katniss dully intoning, “Moonves today. Moonves tomorrow. Moonves forever.”

LOL. Picturing a delicate folding modesty screen for her to dash behind and a dresser mastering the velcro fasteners in a series of seemless quick changes.

You are the best. We speak for the silent majority.

oh this makes me feel better - I worked it out on the first read! Thanks for that. (womp womp)

I didn’t know the villains were Mexican, which adds another layer of grody to the whole thing.

Here’s the clip. She is foul.

I mean I guess I shouldn’t be surprised that even geologists are having their #MeToo moment...

I remember when Alias was a thing (a thing I was obsessed with) and there was a contingent on message boards that loathed her and called her horseface and all the other shitty things people say on social media. I never understood it, because of course social media was new then and none of us understood what we were

Ha ha, I commented elsewhere (in gray) that I literally thought the article was about a guy takes pictures of rocks in Oregon. Derp

I agree with every part of this comment. Appreciate the ambivalence that rises up from empathy and compassion and yet. 

Yikes that URL is a mess! all those percent-twenties!

OMG I literally clicked this thinking the guy in question was a photographer of rocks in Oregon. My bad.

Thought for sure they’d be playing Duran Duran at “the hatching” but no.

Yes this is the first one I watched. And possibly the last, although perhaps other bloggers have on-camera skills that justify the experiment.

No worries. That could be anyone peering out from behind the beer bottle.

Okay so the apology does not merit response. Whatever. You don’t find out how banal that video is through a preview. Anyway it wasn’t a real question. Have a good day.