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On CNN last night, Jeff Toobin said he was too old to serve, was out of it, and was a walking advertisement for term limits. The host was like, er, er, something-something not-ageist, subject change.

Nicely done.

PS maybe the best answer would have been “all of the above”.

Well I’m not a huge fan of Lil’ Kim but don’t know much about her, and I really don’t go in for long, acrylic nails, though I appreciate the artwork here, as mentioned. I was referring to the crass love of money.


The artwork is beautiful. The subject matter is kinda crass. Maybe that’s the point.

Hugo Schwyzer was a columnist for Jezebel for awhile, one of those avowed male feminists who turn out to be lecherous womanizers. Professor who sleeps with students, that sort of thing. Google can fill in the details if you want more...

Sounds like we have a lot in common - I’m also making plans for Nigel 50, white, liberal, earnest, a fuckup, and grateful for attempts by other fuckups to move forward. I had a friend flip out about Anthony Bourdain’s Slate interview because he was making the Weinstein scanadal all about him when his girlfriend was

We’ve all internalized patriarchy to some extent. I appreciate it when anyone is striving to recognize it in themselves and repair it. People are at different points in their own progression on this endless task of introspection and self-correction. He could do a lot more but there are many who do less.

Sounds like a pre-emptive attempt to shut down people who think her statement is political.

Better than Bridget Jones’ fate, being eaten by wild dogs.

Holy shit I read this comment as saying the plot is based on John Malkovich perving on Chloe Grace Moretz, like, in real life. So Malkovich is not on the list. (yet) (or is he? who can keep up)

PS only because I looked it up and I need to get better at this myself - the actor identifies as non-binary and uses the pronoun “they”.

Me - I self-identified as dorky :)

LOL. “Release the hounds.”

It’s confusing because the headline refers to mostly men, but the first image is appears feminine. Apparently they identify non-binary, but that doesn’t seem to count as men? Not sure.

oh interesting - another commenter said the first is from Billions - off to IMDB to see if they are in both. [ETA they are indeed in both shows.] [Edited again to fix gender pronoun]

This is a dorky request but I wish images would be captioned with who they are. The curiosity is sparked. I guess I could do a reverse image search, but here I am at work surreptitiously checking in on what’s up in the world and... you know.

Ha ha, I was going to say the same thing!! Good old Uncle Arthur of the center square.