Tall Guy citings qualify. I will never get over “Kate Tampon”.
Tall Guy citings qualify. I will never get over “Kate Tampon”.
upvoted for hinky
right?! Like, can we just be real here.
I have to admit, this fucked up thought occurred to me more than once. (When a friend tells me they’ve had some sort of GI illness or perhaps food poisoning, I always have to stifle the question, “did you lose any weight?” - unless I know they don’t get triggered by this sort of thing.)
It’s thrillingly visceral.
ha ha ha that’s awesome.
I first read it one afternoon at work and I was howling and sharing inappropriately.
That would clean a person right out alright.
Some A+ headline work there.
I admire your spitefulness. Well played.
No I know about the word surge, just wasn’t sure what you meant - wait a sec. I think I got it. Did you mean you’re rushing over to the website to read the post? Must be. I thought you meant you were already there, and you were “surging” and I was like, do you mean... you are internally surging? Because that sounds…
We count ourselves lucky every day. There’s nothing like a constant diet of American media to make you grateful :)
Surging? I need some help with this, although maybe not, as I’m getting weird suggestions from my imagination as to how you might be applying that word, and to what...
Another triumph of American processed foods!
aside: love the word “carnage”
what else can one say
Some impressive literature in there.
I’ve never seen this product in Canada.
Speaking of Haribo, has anyone ever read the Amazon customer reviews of their sugarfree gummy bears? Hilariousness.
Christ that drives me nuts. People should be forced to prove they’ve read all comments in a thread before posting their own!