
Actually, I think his dictatorial leanings are somewhat similar. He seems to be trying to coalesce power around himself in a similar way that Putin did (moving from office to office in the executive and moving the powers with him) and is also trying to build a cult of personality around himself. Putin was also elected

You can restrict your comments to anti-LGBT Turks to not sounds like a bigot yourself. Not cool to vilify an entire country and its people, especially when a lot of them aren’t happy with the government and its practices.

As long as you apply that same rule to western religions it is fine. Christians are just as homophobic in the US, and rewind a few years to find the same nonsense played out in the States.

In this case the girl is still a victim of rape - she was trafficked. Her poor decisions now are a direct result of her victimhood. These boys see a girl giving consent in a weird situation (25 boys watching) and they think “sure time to get me some,” not there’s something totally fucked up about this situation. 25

And cats carry toxoplasmosis.

I had my first while in grad school. I agree it was a good time because I had control over my schedule. I was terrified about what my advisor would say but he was chill about it. I have shared this advice with others too, but everyone I have told has decided to wait until after, which doesn’t work well if you plan on

I have seen departments that said students who have children while working on their PhDs are making mistakes, being selfish, not serious etc etc. This was said to a student who was already a father.

Is it possible for these “women’s clubs” which are safe spaces for women to discuss important issues to be replaced by “clubs for women’s issues” where women (and a few woke men) can discuss these issues? No gender restrictions means no problem, right?

It’s a great example of ignoring women’s agency. All sports have risks, but women shouldn’t be allowed to accept the (in fact nonexistent?) risk of ski-jumping. I think many Olympic-class athletes put their reproductive futures at risk in many ways, so this is baffling.

I know right! So awesome. Not that comics are appropriate reading for preschoolers.

I should have stated that is would be better if she could identify with the strength of the female characters, but that isn’t consistently the world we live in at the moment. We like the Marvel movies, and Black Widow isn’t enough, and I wouldn’t want a little child dressing like her anyway. Thor works better to say

I hear you on all of these. It is difficult to navigate a sexist world while raising kids.

I came here to say the same thing. Although there is an undercurrent to Lear that is meant to make you think he may be one of the few sane ones, I am pretty sure if you asked Shakespeare who his “Maddest King” was, he would say Lear, not Macbeth.

THAT is a great point.

Or you could connect your iOS device to iTunes on your computer with the Remote app and control iTunes (on computer) with the iOS device. The Remove app does allow you to stream to multiple airplay speakers. You just have to make sure that the track you want to hear is on your computer. Remember syncing?

I had the same thing happen at first. Go back to the original signup page and reenter your email address. It will let you click the "share on facebook" offer link again. Click it, post it, and on the second time around, I got an email with a new link for the

It sounds like you get to keep the files you uploaded on the extra 20 GB of space even after the trial ends. Am I reading that right? 20 GB of extra space on Skydrive can be very useful. I am luck enough to have signed up early when they were giving away 25 GB, so now I will have 45 GB total, and I use the space for

LH had an article on a similar Chrome extension a couple of weeks ago too, I'll try them both.

That's priceless.

I'm sad to see you go, but I have enjoyed Whitson's work at LH so I am confident that you leave it in good hands. Good luck on your next venture Adam.