
If you know someone playing it, you can get a 24 hour buddy key from them. Not quite a full demo, but enough to get a sense of the game

You can download a version that has actual graphics rather then ascii art. It makes life so much easier when you don't have to learn what everything is. At least give it a try, the game is very engaging when you understand what is going on. []

Someone should make a Mount and Blade mod for A Song of Ice and Fire. That would have a fair amount of the fun ASoIaF stuff without needing the huge budget.

I recently finished my first playthough of ME3 avoiding spoilers about the ending. After I chose synthesis, I thought it was an ok ending, but not as bad as everyone made it out to be. I thought the implications of you changing everything in the galaxy was fascinating yet sad as you destroyed galactic civilization

I don't know if you were aware this article, but other people seem to have somewhat similar ideas to your number 4.

Something that I enjoyed doing to devalue the scares was make it a party game. Put it on hardcore mode and every time someone dies, they pass the controller. If you make it to the end of a level or a checkpoint, you pass the controller. You see so many silly deaths it starts to undermine the atmosphere. Of course, do

Upon playing the demo, this was exactly my reaction. Fable 2 and 3 were much less fun then 1, and I felt like I was playing a better version of 1

If you like D&D, Dungeons and Dragons Online is f2p and based on the 3.5 rule set.

Isn't Xenoblade that RPG that is getting imported sometime soon? I've only seen good stuff about it from people on Kotaku.

Having got a Wii for Christmas, I am renting a ton of Wii games to see what I missed out on. Starting with Skyward Sword, New Super Mario Bros and Mario Kart, then RE4 and Okami. Anyone have some suggestions for other must play Wii games?

I know this isn't very helpful for you, but it was working just fine last night on my iPhone 4.

The Secret World is another MMO coming out over the next year or so that looks like it will break the mold a bit. Although it doesn't look to be as open ended as UO, it seems to have a good story and interesting classless skill system. Kotaku doesn't do as much coverage of it, but RPS has several interviews with the

You can, in fact, reverse this change when you finish the quest line. However, you do not need to use the abilities this change gives you at all. Unless you use it, it doesn't really affect anything mechanically. I didn't want to change my character in that way either, but I figured there was a way to reverse it and I

Does anyone know if there is a max level in Skyrim?

So.. anyone think that sometimes a series needs a spiritual sequel?

Ah. Thanks for answering both of you

Do you know how high your int needs to be for Logan to sell spells to you? Playing a knight and he told me that I wasn't cut out for learning sorcery : (

Not really, no. The meter only changes his internal dialog and the ending. Maybe his answers as well, but I think its only the internal dialog. All other major events happen the same way. I was a little disappointed with that, but its still worth another play

I've a total of 0 hours with Dark Souls, as my PS3 got a YLOD the day it got in the mail. Its already beating me and I haven't started playing it.

One reason the Vita-Chambers and their instant respawning with no downsides frustrated me was because it took tension from the game. If the scary looking splicer kills me after a heated battle, I respawn a few feet away and just shoot him once. Games where there is a downside to death add more tension for me, so it is