
The falsely accused sexism and her being on her “personal Twitter” (which btw is not personal, she’s got it set to ‘Public’) isn’t the problem or the real issue here.
The problem was that she attacked an ANet sponsored streamer, despite him not saying anything rude or mean to her.
She was talking _about the game_ and

I don’t give a shit about companies, but I’m also not stupid enough to think that I can keep my job if I go around treating people like shit while representing my employer. This is not a difficult concept for most adults to grasp.

1) You don’t know my life at all. I can’t even go to the goddamn beach with my boyfriend without some asshole shouting homophobic slurs.

See? If you were saying that from an identifiable social media account that identified your employer, then you should be fired for it.

She shouldn’t have lost her job due to a mob of angry gamers.

And if that interaction blew up and your firm decided that was an unacceptible way of conducting yourself, you could very well be out on the street, too.

There was nothing “condescending” about Deroir’s post. It’s exactly the sort of respectful feedback and suggestions I’d expect and encourage from a fan-base, to be honest. And there’s was absolutely nothing misogynistic about it, so for her to make it out to be an issue with her gender was projection at best, and an

This is a terrible article. White people make up a much higher percentage of the population, but the percentage of black people on welfare is significantly higher than white people.

zelda breath of the wild

This argument doesn’t have a leg to stand on. They are just trying to get a leg up on their competition. The artist was really legging it out to get this done before the deadline.

Feeling underwhelmed by the beta....Too bad. I had high hopes for this game.

I think it’s pretty petty and immature. Between friends joking around is one thing, but using it freely in a match against total strangers is pretty pathetic, IMO. I only ever teabag if I teabagged first. Or if I’m waiting to revive a clanmate in Destiny, lol. I’d never even consider using it in a tournament setting.

In this Fall’s race, Mario may be on track to be ahead of Assassin’s Creed: Origins and South Park: The Fractured But Whole.


It’s a me...