
Not that movie critics or jizzmoppers need the glorification, but Jonah Hill would nail the part. It seems as obvious to me as Sacha Baron Cohen playing Freddie Mercury. If the script isn't boring as shit, of course.

Say what you will about Kathie Lee Gifford, but she was the funniest part of Howard Stern's birthday show.

It's hard to take sides on this, 'cause one's a no-talent twink and the other is Justin Bieber.

Most of this website, like most of the popular sites on the internet, from the reviews to the opinion pieces and whatever else - is just bored, boring people who sit at a computer most of their lives taking a dump on celebrities and media who have done well. That's all it is. The Random Roles feature here is the

I'll be sure to do that, Alan Moore. Or as I like to call him: Mr. Entertainment.

Video games are a silly pasttime and gamers will always be retarded mongo-shitheads. And I say this as a dude who enjoys games. You CAN enjoy things you don't also have to defend as if your dopey virginal life depends on it.


I picture you saying this to yourself alone in a room, speech impediment intact.

Silverchair was just one of those bands doomed to score no higher than three stars for their albums in Rolling Stone magazine.

I hated Silverchair after masturbating to the chick in the band so many times and discovering there are no chicks in that band.

Green Day was pretty good back then 'cause their influences were the Ramones, Sex Pistols and Buzzcocks. Blink-182 was never good 'cause their influence was Green Day.


I'm not too crazy about Burton's first movie anymore, but Batman Returns is still my favorite Batman movie. And I do dig Nolan's movies like woah.